December 2017 IFRS for SMEs Update

The IFRS for SMEs Update is a quarterly staff summary of news, events and other information about the IFRS for SMEs Standard and related SME activities. The staff summary has not been reviewed by the International Accounting Standards Board (Board). Past issues are available on the IFRS Foundation website.

SMEIG Q&A guidance published on accounting for the issue of financial guarantee contracts

In December 2017 the IFRS Foundation published guidance on the IFRS for SMEs Standard following public consultation. The guidance has been developed by the SME Implementation Group (SMEIG).

The guidance is in the form of a question-and-answer document (Q&A) and advises how an issuer should account for financial guarantee contracts.

The SMEIG is responsible for assisting the International Accounting Standards Board (Board) on matters related to the implementation of the IFRS for SMEs Standard. Developing non-mandatory and timely guidance on specific accounting questions raised by companies and other interested parties on implementation of the Standard is one of the two main responsibilities of the SMEIG. The other is to make recommendations to the Board regarding possible amendments to the Standard.

This Q&A guidance is the first to be published since the first comprehensive review of the IFRS for SMEs Standard was completed in May 2015.

The Q&A can be accessed here. More information about the SMEIG, including the terms of reference and operating procedures of the group, is available here

IFRS for SMEs Standard translations—status report

The following translations of the 2015 IFRS for SMEs Standard are available and have been approved by the IFRS Foundation:

Completed: Albanian*, Arabic*, Armenian*, Bosnian*, Georgian*, Japanese*, Kazakh*, Portuguese*, Spanish*.

In progress: Mongolian

The following translations of the 2009 IFRS for SMEs Standard are available and have been approved by the IFRS Foundation:

Completed: Albanian*, Arabic*, Armenian*, Bosnian*, Bulgarian*, Chinese (simplified)*, Croatian*, Czech*, Estonian*, French*, Georgian, German, Hebrew*, Italian*, Japanese*, Kazakh*, Khmer*, Lithuanian*, Macedonian*, Mongolian*, Polish*, Portuguese*, Romanian*, Russian*, Serbian, Spanish*, Turkish* and Ukrainian*.

*Available for free download here (for translations not marked with an * please visit our IFRS Shop for details on how to purchase a hard copy).

Where to obtain further information about the IFRS for SMEs Standard

The IFRS for SMEs Standard online 
(available in multiple languages)

The IFRS for SMEs Standard in hard copy

Procedure for submitting implementation issues on the IFRS for SMEs Standard

SME Implementation Group

Training material

Past copies of the IFRS for SMEs Update