Washington, D.C., Feb. 23, 2010 — Securities and Exchange Commission staff will conduct a public seminar next month to help companies and preparers comply with rules that require financial reports to be filed using eXtensible Business Reporting Language, (XBRL), which can provide investors quicker access to the data they want in a format that's easily used, searched and analyzed.
The seminar will help answer frequently asked questions about the rules and technology requirements. SEC staff will present information to help corporate filers understand how to comply with the rules.
SEC staff also will provide an overview of the XBRL taxonomy — the list of tags associated with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP). Staff also will discuss the recently announced role of the Financial Accounting Foundation in maintaining that taxonomy in conjunction with its GAAP standard-setting activities. SEC staff will provide guidance on other tools and information available to assist with compliance.
To ensure that the seminar is responsive to the needs of companies and preparers, the SEC staff is seeking suggested questions and topics to be discussed at the seminar. Interested parties should e-mail their questions to Ask-OID@sec.gov and include "Public Education Seminar" in the subject line.
The seminar will be held on March 23 beginning at 1 p.m. ET in the auditorium at the SEC's headquarters (100 F Street N.E. in Washington D.C.). The event also will be webcast on the SEC Web site.
Seating for the seminar will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities attending this event in person can be arranged by submitting a request to DisabilityProgramOfficer@SEC.gov three business days prior to the event. Captioning will provided on the SEC webcast.
For additional information about the seminar, contact Ask-OID@sec.gov or (202) 551-4144.
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