SEC Approves Disclosure Form Changes to Provide Investors Greater Information About Their Investment Advisers


Text of
Chairman's statement

Washington, D.C., July 21, 2010 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted unanimously to adopt changes to the principal disclosure document that SEC-registered investment advisers must provide to their clients and prospective clients.

Form ADV, Part 2 — commonly referred to as the "brochure" — explains to the investor an investment adviser's qualifications, investment strategies, and business practices.

The brochure in its current format requires advisers to respond to a series of multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions organized in a "check-the-box" format that frequently does not correspond well to an adviser's business. In some cases, the required disclosure may not describe the adviser's business or conflicts in a way that is truly accessible to the investor.

"These changes are designed to provide clients with greater information about the individuals who will provide them with investment advice," said SEC Chairman Mary L. Schapiro. "These amendments will help transform the brochure into a plain English narrative that is well-suited to serve investors' needs and describes the adviser's conflicts, compensation, business activities, and disciplinary history."

The amendments adopted by the SEC will:

Many state-registered investment advisers also currently file Form ADV with their regulators. The Commission authorized the staff to delay publication of the revised Form ADV, Part 2 for five business days in order to work with the states to accommodate technical, state-specific changes to the items and instructions of the form. This process would enable publication of Form ADV, Part 2 as a uniform SEC-state form.

The amended rules and forms will be effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Most investment advisers will begin distributing and publicly posting new brochures in the first quarter of 2011.

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When individuals consider whether to hire a particular investment adviser, they often have basic questions about the professional who may be advising them. That is why, for 21 years, investment advisers registered with the SEC have been required to provide new and prospective clients with a brochure explaining the adviser's qualifications, investment strategies, and business practices.

Under existing rules, advisers can satisfy this requirement either by providing clients with the portion of the registration form — known as Part 2 of Form ADV — that contains this information, or by creating a separate document that includes the information required by that form.

Currently, Part 2 requires advisers to respond to a series of multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions organized in a "check-the-box" format. Unfortunately, that format frequently does not correspond well to an adviser's business. And, in some cases, the required disclosure may not describe the adviser's business or conflicts in a user-friendly manner.

Today, the Commission is considering adopting amendments to Part 2 of Form ADV and related rules that will substantially improve the quality of the disclosure advisers provide to their clients.

Under the new rules, advisers will have to provide new and prospective clients with narrative brochures that are organized in a consistent, uniform manner and that include plain English disclosures of the adviser's business practices, fees, conflicts of interest, and disciplinary information. Advisory firms also must provide "brochure supplements" to clients containing information about the employees who will provide the advisory services to that client.

The Amendments

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The amended rules and forms will be effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register.

Most investment advisers will begin distributing and publicly posting new brochures in the first quarter of 2011.