US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy

New—2011 U.S. GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy Adopted and Supported by SEC Effective February 28, 2011

FASB to Host February 24 Webcast, XBRL 2011 Taxonomy Overview (Archived Event)

2011 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy is now available at the links below.

The taxonomy contains updates for accounting standards and other improvements since the 2009 taxonomy currently used by issuers filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). FAF/FASB issued proposed improvements to the taxonomy in the fall, allowing users of the taxonomy to provide feedback on the updates and to provide SEC filers, service providers, software vendors, and other interested parties the opportunity to become familiar with and to incorporate new element names for their filings. We encourage users to read the release notes, which contain the details of these changes.

Questions about using this taxonomy for creating and submitting eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) tagged interactive data files in compliance with SEC rules should be directed to the SEC Office of Interactive Disclosure. SEC contact details and guidance are available at the SEC’s portal on XBRL. The SEC currently supported taxonomies are listed on the “Standard Taxonomies” page.

You can view the taxonomy through the entry points provided below or download the entire taxonomy for use in your software tool of choice.

Taxonomy View

To view the taxonomy, select one of the links below. The ‘Entire 2011 US GAAP Financial Reporting Taxonomy’ choice will provide you with a complete US GAAP Taxonomy and is the recommended view regardless of industry. To view the taxonomy from an industry perspective, select one of the industry specific links. A view of the SEC Document and Entity Information Taxonomy is provided for user convenience. We have included guidance for using the taxonomy viewer/commenting tool.

Taxonomy Download