FASB and IASB to Address Frequently Asked Questions on Revised Exposure Draft, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, in February 29 Webcast

Norwalk, CT, February 24, 2012—The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) will hold a live, one-hour webcast to answer and discuss some of the questions and issues that have been raised during outreach on the Boards’ proposals in their November 2011, revised Exposure Draft, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. The webcast takes place on Wednesday, February 29, from 11 a.m. to noon Eastern Standard Time.

The session is intended to help viewers gain an understanding of the main proposals in the revised Exposure Draft and receive answers to various frequently asked questions about the proposals.

The webcast will feature Kristin Bauer, FASB practice fellow and project lead; Glenn Brady, senior technical manager, IASB; and Allison McManus, technical manager, IASB. Viewers will have the opportunity to email questions to the speakers during the event.

The webcast is free of charge; however, viewers are required to preregister. Participants also have the option of preregistering to listen in by phone. An archive of the event will be made available a few days after the live event. CPE credit will not be offered for this webcast.

Press Inquiries:
Christine Klimek, Senior Manager, Media Relations
Financial Accounting Foundation
Telephone: +1 (203) 956-3459