Summary of Board decisions are provided for the information and
convenience of constituents who want to follow the Board’s deliberations. All of
the conclusions reported are tentative and may be changed at future Board
meetings. Decisions are included in an Exposure Draft for formal comment only
after a formal written ballot. Decisions in an Exposure Draft may be (and often
are) changed in redeliberations based on information provided to the Board in
comment letters, at public roundtable discussions, and through other
communication channels. Decisions become final only after a formal written
ballot to issue an Accounting Standards Update.
October 21, 2010 FASB/IASB Joint Board Meeting
value measurement.
Disclosures about Fair Value
The Boards tentatively decided:
- That when a nonfinancial asset is measured subsequently at fair value and
the highest and best use of the asset differs from its current use, an entity
must disclose that fact and the reasons why the asset is being used in a
manner that differs from its highest and best use. The Boards also tentatively
decided to require that disclosure whether the asset is recognized at fair
value in the statement of financial position or the fair value is disclosed
and not to limit the scope of that disclosure to particular nonfinancial
- To require an entity to disclose any transfers between Level 1 and Level 2
of the fair value hierarchy.
- For assets and liabilities not recognized at fair value but for which
disclosure of fair value is required, to require an entity to disclose the
level in which a fair value measurement would be categorized within the fair
value hierarchy (Level 1, 2 or 3), even if those assets and liabilities are
not subsequently measured at fair value in the statement of financial
position. The other disclosure requirements for fair value measurements would
not apply to such assets or liabilities.
The Unit of Account for
Fair Value Measurements
The Boards tentatively decided that
clarifying the unit of account for assets and liabilities measured at fair value
in particular situations (for example, investments in debt and equity securities
in accordance with FASB Accounting Standards Codification™ Topic 946,
Financial Services—Investment Companies) is outside the scope of the fair value
measurement project because the project focuses on “how” to measure fair value,
not on “what” is being measured at fair value or “when” fair value should be
The Boards tentatively decided to clarify that although the
highest and best use and valuation premise concepts are not relevant for
financial instruments, the notion of value maximization is fundamental to the
fair value measurement of financial instruments because market participants
would enter into transactions that maximize the fair value of financial
trading schemes. The Boards discussed the measurement of allowances
(assets) and liabilities in a cap and trade scheme.
The Boards
tentatively decided that the measurement of the allocated allowances and the
liability for the allocation should be consistent. Board members expressed
support for the model that measures the allocated allowances and liability for
the allocation initially at fair value and that also subsequently measures those
allocated allowances at fair value.
The Boards also discussed how an
entity should determine the quantity of allowances that would be returned under
the liability for the allocation, as well as when an entity should recognize an
obligation for emissions in excess of the liability for the allocation. The
Boards expressed support for an approach that determines the quantity of
allowances to be returned on the basis of an entity’s expectations of emissions
or emissions reductions. However, the Boards expressed different views as to
when the liability for excess emissions should be recognized. The Boards
requested additional analysis, including quantitative examples that outline the
effect of different measurement models.
Next Steps
future meetings, the Boards will discuss quantitative examples that illustrate
measurement issues, and when a liability is incurred for emissions in excess of
the liability for the allocation. The Boards will also discuss the issues of
presentation (including netting) and whether a right to future allocations can
be recognized as an asset.
for financial instruments: impairment. The Boards discussed comment
letter feedback from the FASB exposure related to impairment and interest income
and central issues related to impairment. This was an education session and no
decisions were made. The Boards will further discuss issues related to
impairment at future meetings.
of financial assets and liabilities. The Boards discussed factors
that may be helpful in determining whether financial assets and liabilities
should be presented net (either on the face of the financial statement or in the
notes). This was an education session and no decisions were made. The Boards
will discuss possible offsetting approaches at future
October 22, 2010 FASB/IASB Joint Board
framework—reporting entity. The staff presented to the Boards a
summary of the comments received on the Exposure Draft, Conceptual Framework
for Financial Reporting: The Reporting Entity, whose comment period ended
on July 16, 2010.
The Boards decided that:
- The staff has appropriately identified the issues to be discussed at
future meetings.
- The staff should prepare a paper that discusses the possible time required
to address these issues and the revised target issue date of the final
instruments with characteristics of equity. The IASB and the
FASB discussed how to proceed with the project.
The Boards acknowledged
that they do not have the capacity currently to devote the time necessary to
deliberate the project issues. Consequently, the Boards decided to not issue an
Exposure Draft in the near term as originally planned.
The Boards will
return to this project when they have the requisite capacity. This is expected
to be after June 2011.
comprehensive income.The Boards discussed the comment letters
received on their respective Exposure Drafts relating to the presentation of
other comprehensive income.
The Boards instructed the staff to focus on
the matter of whether entities should report profit or loss (net income) and
other comprehensive income in one or two statements.
statement presentation. At the October joint meeting, the staff
updated the Boards on their outreach activities related to the July 2010 staff
draft of an Exposure Draft on financial statement presentation. The Boards
discussed how to proceed with the project.
The Boards acknowledged that
they do not have the capacity currently to devote the time necessary to consider
the information learned during outreach activities and modify their tentative
decisions. Consequently, the Boards decided to not issue an Exposure Draft in
the first quarter 2011 as originally planned.
Next Steps
The staff and Board advisors will meet with the project working
group in December 2010 to discuss the cost and benefit information received
during outreach activities and possible ways to move forward. The Boards will
return to this project when they have the requisite capacity. This is expected
to be after June 2011.