Summary of Board decisions are provided for the information and
convenience of constituents who want to follow the Board´s deliberations. All of
the conclusions reported are tentative and may be changed at future Board
meetings. Decisions are included in an Exposure Draft for formal comment only
after a formal written ballot. Decisions in an Exposure Draft may be (and often
are) changed in redeliberations based on information provided to the Board in
comment letters, at public roundtable discussions, and through other
communication channels. Decisions become final only after a formal written
ballot to issue an Accounting Standards Update.
July 25, 2013 FASB Board Meeting
Framework: Board´s Decision Process. The Board discussed the role of notes
in financial reporting, disclosure requirements that overlap with SEC (or other
securities regulators) requirements, and disclosure requirements that overlap
with requirements outside the financial report.
The Board made the
following decisions:
- The Board´s decision process would include the following short, very
high-level summary of the purpose of notes to financial statements, the types
of information that should be included in notes, and the types of information
reporting entities should not be required to include in
Consistent with the objective of financial reporting in general,
the purpose of notes to financial statements is to supplement or further
explain the information on the face of the financial statements by providing
information relevant to existing and potential investors, lenders, and other
creditors about the following matters:
- The reporting entity and its activities
- Financial statement line items
- Past events and existing conditions that have not met the criteria for
recognition in the entity´s financial statements but that are capable of
making a difference in decisions about providing resources.
entities should not be required to include the following even if relevant to
existing and potential investors, lenders, and other creditors:
- Assumptions and expectations about future events unless they are inputs
to measurements made by management for purposes of presentation on the face
of the financial statements or disclosure in notes
- Information about matters that are common knowledge or readily available
from other sources on a timely basis and without significant cost or
difficulty and not specific to the entity and its financial statements, for
example, general economic conditions.
- The Board´s decision process would state that the Board could require
disclosure in the notes, even if that information is required elsewhere in the
report or outside of the report by a securities regulator or other regulator,
if including the information in the notes:
- Represents an improvement in financial reporting, and
- The benefits of providing the information outweigh the