Summary of Board decisions are provided for the information and
convenience of constituents who want to follow the Board´s deliberations. All of
the conclusions reported are tentative and may be changed at future Board
meetings. Decisions are included in an Exposure Draft for formal comment only
after a formal written ballot. Decisions in an Exposure Draft may be (and often
are) changed in redeliberations based on information provided to the Board in
comment letters, at public roundtable discussions, and through other
communication channels. Decisions become final only after a formal written
ballot to issue an Accounting Standards Update.
March 28, 2013
FASB Board Meeting
for financial instruments: impairment. The Board discussed whether
to modify the comment period for the proposed Accounting Standards Update,
Financial Instruments—Credit Losses (Subtopic 825-15), in response to
both formal and informal feedback. The original comment period for the proposed
Update ends on April 30, 2013. The Board decided to extend the comment period to
May 31, 2013.
The Board ratified the following consensuses reached at the March 14,
2013 EITF meeting.
Issue 12-B, "Not-for-Profit Entities: Services Received from Personnel of an
All services received from personnel of any affiliate that
directly benefit the recipient not-for-profit entity (NFP) and for which the
affiliate does not charge the recipient NFP should be recognized by the
recipient NFP.
Services received from personnel of an affiliate within
the scope of this Issue should be measured at the cost recognized by the
affiliate for the personnel providing those services. However, in circumstances
in which recording the service received from personnel of an affiliate at the
cost recognized by the affiliate would significantly overstate or understate the
value of the service received, the recipient NFP could elect to recognize that
service at either (a) the cost recognized by the affiliate for the personnel
providing that service or (b) the fair value of that service.
A recipient
NFP within the scope of Topic 954, Health Care Entities, that is required to
provide a performance indicator, should report as an equity transfer the
increase in net assets associated with services received from personnel of an
affiliate within the scope of this Issue. For other recipient NFPs, the guidance
does not prescribe presentation guidance for the increase in net assets
associated with services received from personnel of an affiliate other than
prohibiting reporting as a contra-expense or a contra-asset. All recipient NFPs
should report the corresponding decrease in net assets or the creation or
enhancement of an asset resulting from the use of services received from
personnel of an affiliate in a way that is similar to how other such expenses or
assets are reported.
The disclosures in Subtopic 850-10, Related Party
Disclosures—Overall, apply to services received from personnel of an affiliate
within the scope of this Issue, and no additional recurring disclosures are
required by this Issue.
The guidance is effective prospectively for
fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2014, and interim and annual periods
thereafter. A recipient not-for-profit entity may apply the guidance using a
modified retrospective approach under which all prior periods presented upon the
date of adoption should be adjusted, but no adjustment should be made to the
beginning balance of net assets of the earliest period presented. Early adoption
is permitted.
Issue 12-G, "Accounting for the Difference between the Fair Value of the
Assets and the Fair Value of the Liabilities of a Consolidated Collateralized
Financing Entity"
A collateralized financing entity is defined as an entity
that holds financial assets, issues beneficial interests in those financial
assets, and has no more than nominal equity. All of the beneficial interests
that have recourse to the related financial assets of the collateralized
financing entity are financial liabilities. A collateralized financing entity
also may temporarily hold nonfinancial assets as a result of default on the
underlying debt instruments held by the collateralized financing entity or in an
effort to restructure the debt.
A reporting entity that measures the
financial assets and financial liabilities of a collateralized financing entity
at fair value should determine the fair value of the collateralized financing
entity´s financial assets and financial liabilities consistently with how market
participants would price the reporting entity´s net risk exposure at the
measurement date. The reporting entity should present financial assets and
financial liabilities on a gross basis and allocate the portfolio-level fair
value adjustments to the individual financial assets or financial liabilities.
The portfolio-level fair value adjustment is determined by (1) measuring the
more observable fair value of either the financial assets or the financial
liabilities, excluding the amounts relating to beneficial interests that
represent compensation for services or nonfinancial assets that are being
temporarily held as a result of default on the underlying debt instruments held
by the collateralized financing entity or in an effort to restructure the debt,
and then (2) allocating that amount to the remaining, less observable fair
values of the individual financial assets or financial
Beneficial interests that represent compensation for
services, such as management fees, and nonfinancial assets that are being
temporarily held by a collateralized financing entity as a result of default on
the underlying debt instruments held by the collateralized financing entity or
in an effort to restructure the debt should be measured in accordance with other
applicable U.S. GAAP and then excluded from the measurement of the net risk
The guidance is effective for fiscal years (and interim periods
within those years) beginning after December 15, 2013. For nonpublic entities,
the guidance is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2014,
and interim and annual reporting periods thereafter.
The guidance should
be applied prospectively by all reporting entities. Reporting entities that
measure all eligible financial assets and financial liabilities of the
consolidated collateralized financing entity at fair value may apply the
guidance retrospectively to all relevant prior periods beginning in the fiscal
year in which the amendments in Accounting Standards Update No. 2009-17,
Consolidations (Topic 810): Improvements to Financial Reporting by
Enterprises Involved with Variable Interest Entities, were initially
At the date of adoption, entities may elect to measure all
eligible financial assets and financial liabilities of the consolidated
collateralized financing entity at fair value in accordance with Topic 825,
Financial Instruments. Entities electing the fair value option at the date of
adoption should only apply the amendments in this Update prospectively.
The Board also approved the following consensus-for-exposure reached at
the March 14, 2013 EITF meeting and decided to expose it for public comment for
a period of 60 days.
Issue 13-B, "Accounting for Investments in Qualified Affordable Housing
A reporting entity that invests in a qualified affordable housing
project through a limited liability entity (such as limited partnership or
limited liability companies) may elect to account for the investment using the
effective yield method if all of the following conditions are met:
It is probable that the tax credits allocable to the investor will be
The investor retains no operational influence over the investment other
than protective rights, and substantially all of the projected benefits are
from tax credits and other tax benefits (for example, tax benefits generated
from the operating losses of the investment).
The investor´s projected yield based solely on the cash flows from the tax
credits and other tax benefits is positive.
The investor is a limited liability investor in the affordable housing
project for both legal and tax purposes, and the investor´s liability is
limited to its capital investment.
An investment in a qualified
affordable housing project that does not qualify for the effective yield method
would be accounted for as an equity or cost method investment in accordance with
Subtopic 970-323.
The guidance would include disclosure objectives for
reporting entities to meet and provide suggestions for how reporting entities
would meet those objectives.
The guidance would be applied
retrospectively by applying the requirements for accounting changes in
paragraphs 250-10-45-5 through 45-10. Early adoption would be