Tentative Board Decisions
Tentative Board decisions are provided for those interested in following
the Board´s deliberations. All of the reported decisions are tentative and may
be changed at future Board meetings.
August 13, 2014 FASB Board Meeting
Prioritization. The Board discussed the results of staff research on seven
potential projects and made the following decisions.
The Board added the
following four projects to its agenda:
- Presentation of debt issuance costs—The project is expected to simplify
the accounting by aligning the presentation of debt discount or premium and
issuance costs.
- Measurement date of defined benefit plan assets—The project is expected to
reduce costs by aligning the measurement date of defined benefit plan assets
with the date that valuation information and the fair values of plan assets
are provided by third-party service providers. An entity with a fiscal
year-end that does not fall on the end of a month would be eligible to measure
its defined benefit plan assets and liabilities as of the month end that is
closest to the employer´s fiscal year-end.
- Balance sheet classification of debt—The project is expected to reduce
cost and complexity by replacing the fact-pattern specific guidance in GAAP
with a principle to classify debt as current or noncurrent based on the
contractual terms of a debt arrangement and an entity´s current compliance
with debt covenants.
- Accounting for income taxes—The project is expected to simplify accounting
for income taxes by:
- Eliminating the requirement in GAAP for entities that present a
classified statement of financial position to classify deferred tax assets
and liabilities as current and noncurrent, and instead requiring that they
classify all deferred tax assets and liabilities as noncurrent in the
statement of financial position.
- Eliminating the prohibition in GAAP on the recognition of income taxes
for the intra-entity differences between the tax basis of the assets in a
buyer´s tax jurisdiction and their cost as reported in the consolidated
financial statements, and instead requiring recognition of the income tax
consequences associated with an intra-entity transfer when the transfer
The Board added the following two projects to the
EITF´s agenda:
- Fair value hierarchy levels for certain investments measured at net asset
value (NAV)—The project is expected to reduce diversity in practice related to
the categorization of certain investments measured at NAV within the fair
value hierarchy.
- Effects on historical earnings per unit (EPU) of master limited
partnership (MLP) dropdown transactions—The project is expected to address how
to calculate EPU for periods before the date of a dropdown transaction
accounted for as a reorganization of entities under common control that occurs
after formation of the MLP.
The Board decided not to undertake a
project about accounting for cash balance pension plans.
In addition to
adding projects to its agenda, the Board began deliberations on two of the
Simplifying the Presentation of Debt Issuance
The Board decided that debt issuance costs should be
considered a reduction of the debt liability for presentation purposes.
The Board decided that the guidance should be applied retrospectively.
Additionally, the Board decided that disclosures in paragraphs 250-10-50-1
through 50-3 should be provided upon transition.
The Board directed the
staff to draft a proposed Accounting Standards Update for vote by written
ballot, with a comment period of 60 days.
Simplifying the Measurement
Date of Plan Assets and Obligations
The Board decided that an
employer with a fiscal year-end that does not fall at the end of a month may
make an accounting policy election to (1) measure plans assets as of the end of
the month that is closest to its fiscal year-end and (2) measure the defined
benefit liability as of that alternative measurement date.
The Board
decided that employers should be required to include a reconciling item in the
disclosures about the fair value and categories of plan assets and the Level 3
rollforward for contributions made between the measurement date and an
employer´s fiscal year-end.
The Board decided that an employer should
disclose the accounting policy election, including the measurement date.
The Board decided that the guidance should be applied prospectively.
Board decided that the only transition disclosure is the nature of and reason
for the change in accounting principle.
The Board directed the staff to
draft a proposed Accounting Standards Update for vote by written ballot, with a
comment period of 60 days.
Instruments—Impairment. The Board discussed the impairment of debt
securities and clarifications to the measurement principle for the Current
Expected Credit Losses (CECL) model.
Impairment of Debt
The Board decided that debt securities classified as
available-for-sale should be excluded from the scope of the CECL model. The
Board affirmed its previous decision that the CECL model should apply to debt
securities classified as held-to-maturity.
The Board decided that
available-for-sale debt securities should continue to be within the scope of the
impairment guidance in Topic 320. In addition, the Board decided that the
impairment guidance in Topic 320 should be modified as follows:
- An allowance approach should be used for recognizing impairment losses,
which would allow an entity to recognize reversals of credit losses.
- Subparagraph 320-10-35-33F(a) should be amended to remove the requirement
to consider the length of time that the fair value of an available-for-sale
debt security has been less than its amortized cost basis when estimating
whether a credit loss exists.
- Subparagraph 320-10-35-33F(g) should be removed. When estimating whether a
credit loss exists, an entity would not be required to consider recoveries or
additional declines in the fair value of an available-for-sale debt security
after the balance sheet date.
Clarifications to the Measurement
The Board made the following decisions regarding
clarifications to the measurement principle in the CECL model:
- The Board affirmed the principles of the clarifications to the measurement
approach as described in the August 13, 2014 Board meeting handout. Actual
wording of the clarifications is subject to change during the drafting of the
final standard.
- The Board decided that the final standard would not explicitly state for
which financial assets a zero allowance of expected credit losses would be
- The Board decided to include the following collateral-based practical
expedients in the final standard:
- For a collateral-dependent financial asset, the allowance for expected
credit losses would be measured as the difference between the collateral´s
fair value (adjusted for selling costs, when applicable) and the
amortized cost basis of the asset.
- For a financial asset in which the borrower must continually adjust the
amount of collateral securing the financial asset, the allowance for
expected credit losses would be limited to the difference between the
collateral´s fair value (adjusted for selling costs) and the amortized cost
basis of the asset.
- When developing its estimate of expected credit losses, the Board decided
that for periods beyond which the entity is able to make or obtain reasonable
and supportable forecasts, an entity is allowed to revert to its historical
credit loss experience over (a) the financial asset´s estimated life on a
straight-line basis or (b) a period and in a pattern that reflects the
entity´s assumptions about expected credit losses over that period. The Board
also decided that an entity should disclose the reversion method applied in
the notes to the financial statements.
about Short-Duration Contracts. The Board continued its discussions of
disclosures about short-duration contracts and made the following decisions.
Incurred and Paid Claims Development Tables
The Board
affirmed its previous decision that incurred and paid claims development tables
should be disclosed in the financial statement footnotes and that those
disclosures need not go back more than 10 years, but that they should present
information for the number of years for which claims incurred typically remain
Health Insurance Claims
The Board decided
that insurance entities that issue short-duration insurance contracts should
disclose in their interim and annual financial statements the incurred but not
reported liabilities included in the liability for unpaid claims and claim
adjustment expenses for health insurance claims, either as a separate disclosure
or as a component of the rollforward of the liability for unpaid claims and
claim adjustment expenses. The rollforward should be disaggregated so that
useful information is not obscured by either the inclusion of a large amount of
insignificant detail or the aggregation of items that have different
Effective Date
The Board decided that
for public business entities, the final guidance should be effective for annual
reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2014, and interim reporting
periods within annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2015. The
Board decided on a one-year delay for all other entities. The Board also
decided to allow early adoption for all entities.
Next Steps
The Board directed the staff to draft an Accounting Standards Update for
vote by written ballot with an extended time frame for external review by a
broad range of stakeholders.