Tentative Board Decisions
Tentative Board decisions are provided for those interested in following
the Board’s deliberations. All of the reported decisions are tentative and may
be changed at future Board meetings.
June 18, 2014 FASB Board Meeting
Framework. The Board discussed whether and how to proceed with the
conceptual framework project and decided to begin with presentation and
measurement followed by the liability-equity distinction.
The Board decided the following two
presentation concepts should be further developed:
- Information should be grouped into reasonably homogeneous groups. Line
items or subtotals that include items that have similar characteristics in
more than one respect are likely to provide more information about prospects
for future cash flows than if their characteristics are dissimilar.
- The association between changes in assets, liabilities, and equity
instruments and the assets, liabilities, and equity instruments that changed
should be made apparent in the financial statements (or in the financial
statements and notes).
The Board discussed
how to proceed with developing concepts related to measurement, including:
- Agreeing on the meanings of key terms and what the objectives and
qualitative characteristics imply for measurement
- Identifying appropriate types of measurements
- Determining which measurements to use in specific
Accounting for Fees in a Cloud Computing Arrangement.The Board began its
deliberations of accounting for a customer’s accounting for fees paid in a cloud
computing arrangement.
Proposed Clarifications to the
The Board decided to incorporate the guidance that is
now in paragraphs 985-605-55-121 through 55-123 into the scope Section of
Subtopic 350-40, Intangibles—Goodwill and Other—Internal Use Software. That
guidance would be applied to a cloud computing arrangement to determine whether
the contract includes a license to software or is, instead, a service
Transition, Effective Date, and Early
The Board decided that a reporting entity may elect
retrospective or prospective transition. Under the prospective transition, an
entity would apply the guidance in the proposed Update to all cloud computing
arrangements entered into, or materially modified, after the effective
The Board decided that the effective date of the proposed Update
would be as follows:
- For public business entities, for annual periods, including interim
periods within those annual periods, beginning after December 15, 2015.
- For all other entities (that is, entities other than public business
entities), the first annual period beginning after December 15, 2015, and
interim periods thereafter.
In addition, the Board decided that an
entity may early adopt the proposed guidance.
The Board decided that if an entity elects the
prospective transition method, then the entity should disclose the change in
accounting principle and a qualitative description of the financial statement
line items affected by the change.
If an entity elects the retrospective
transition method, then the entity should provide additional quantitative
disclosures, such as those required by Subtopic 250-10, Accounting Changes and
Error Corrections—Overall.
Authorization to Proceed to a Ballot Draft
and Comment Period
The Board directed the staff to draft a proposed
Accounting Standards Update for vote by written ballot. In addition, the Board
decided on a 90-day comment period for the proposed Update.
Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities.
The Board continued its deliberations on the presentation
and disclosure of investment expenses. The Board reaffirmed its tentative
decision to require external and direct internal investment expenses to be
netted against the investment return. However, the Board reconsidered the
current disclosure requirement for netted investment expenses. Paragraph
958-225-50-1 currently requires a not-for-profit (NFP) entity to disclose the
amount of investment-related expenses netted against investment revenues if that
amount is not disclosed on the face of the statement of activities. After
further consideration, the Board decided to remove the disclosure requirement
existing in current GAAP about netted investment expenses for all NFP
Capital-Like Transactions
The Board discussed
how an entity would classify and present capital-like transactions and events in
the statement of activities and the statement of cash flows. The Board directed
the staff to further develop examples of how capital-like transactions would be
presented over time in the statement of activities.
The Board considered the staff plans for improving note
disclosures of NFP entities and:
- Directed the staff, as planned, to prepare examples illustrating a more
cohesive presentation of current disclosure requirements for investment,
endowment net assets, and fair value level disclosures.
- Decided to require that the so-called underwater amounts should
be reported within the proposed with donor restrictions class of net
assets (rather than as unrestricted class of net assets as currently
required). The underwater amount is the amount by which the fair value of an
individual donor restricted endowment fund is less than the original gift
amount or level required by donor stipulations or law. An NFP entity also
would be required to disclose the following information about underwater
endowment funds in the aggregate:
- The board’s policy or decision on whether to reduce or not spend from
the endowment fund
- Original gift amount (or level required by donor stipulations or
- Fair value.
- Directed the staff to continue conducting outreach and developing examples
related to the potential disclosure of significant allocations of