Tentative Board Decisions

Tentative Board decisions are provided for those interested in following the Board´s deliberations. All of the reported decisions are tentative and may be changed at future Board meetings.

August 26, 2015 FASB Board Meeting

Conceptual Framework—Measurement. The Board discussed matters relating to the planned new measurement chapter of FASB Concepts Statement No. 8, Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, specifically discussing what might be included in the initial carrying amount of an asset, a liability, or an equity instrument. No technical decisions were made.

Disclosure Framework: Disclosure Review—Income Taxes. The Board discussed disclosures related to unrecognized tax benefits, making the following decisions:

The Board decided to enhance the existing requirement to disclose a tabular reconciliation of the unrecognized tax benefits at the beginning and end of the period by requiring disclosure of:
  1. Settlements using existing tax assets separate from those that are ultimately settled in cash
  2. A breakdown of the ending balance of the liability for unrecognized tax benefits by the line items in the balance sheet in which the liability is recognized.
The Board also decided that neither public nor private entities would be required to disclose the nature and an estimate of the range for a reasonably possible change in the unrecognized tax benefit balance in the next 12 months or a statement that an estimate of the range cannot be made.