Tentative Board Decisions
Tentative Board decisions are provided for those interested in
following the Board's deliberations. All of the reported decisions are
tentative and may be changed at future Board meetings.
October 28, 2015 FASB Board Meeting
Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities. The Board discussed the staff's summary of feedback received on the April 2015 proposed Accounting Standards Update, Not-for-Profit
Entities (Topic 958) and Health Care Entities (Topic 954): Presentation
of Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Entities. The Board also discussed the recommended plan for redeliberations.
Plan for Redeliberations
The Board decided to divide its redeliberations of the proposed Update
into two workstreams. The first workstream would reconsider the
following issues that are not dependent on other projects and are
improvements the Board might finalize in the near term:
- Net asset classification scheme, including:
- Disclosure of board-designated funds
- Underwater endowments
- Placed-in-service option for expirations of capital restrictions
- Expenses, including:
- Expenses by nature and an analysis of expenses by function and nature
- Netting of external and direct internal investment expenses against investment return
- Disclosure of netted investment expenses
- Enhanced disclosures about cost allocations
- Operating measures: improving disclosures by those not-for-profit entities that choose to present such a measure
- Improving disclosures of information useful in assessing liquidity
- Statement of cash flows: methods of presenting operating cash flows.
The second workstream would involve reconsideration of other proposed
changes that are likely to require more time to resolve because they
involve consideration of alternatives suggested by stakeholders the
Board did not previously consider or are related to similar issues being
addressed in other projects. Those proposals include:
- Operating measures: all other elements of the proposal, including:
- Whether to require intermediate measure(s)
- Whether and how to define such measure(s) and what items should or should not be included in the measure(s)
- Alternative disaggregation approaches suggested by stakeholders
- Statement of cash flows: realignment of certain line items.
Insurance—Targeted Improvements to the Accounting for Long-Duration Contracts.
The Board decided that the liability for future policy benefits for
participating life insurance contracts would be calculated on the basis
of expected future cash flows (including dividends). Future cash flows
would be discounted using a high-quality fixed-income instrument yield,
consistent with the Board's previous decision for traditional
long-duration and limited-payment contracts.
The Board also decided that entities would be required to update (1)
cash flow assumptions using a retrospective approach and (2) discount
rate assumptions using an immediate approach, consistent with the
Board's previous decision for traditional long-duration and
limited-payment contracts. Under this assumption update method, the net
premium ratio would be recalculated as of the contract inception date
using actual historical experience and updated future cash flow
assumptions. The revised net premium ratio would then be applied to
derive a cumulative catch-up adjustment to be recorded in current-period
earnings. In subsequent periods, the revised net premium ratio would be
used to accrue the liability for future policy benefits. The net
premium ratio would be capped at 100 percent. The net premium ratio
would not be updated for discount rate changes; rather, the effect of
changes in the discount rate assumption would be recorded immediately in
other comprehensive income. The amount included in accumulated other
comprehensive income would represent the difference between the carrying
amount of the liability for future policy benefits measured using an
updated discount rate and the discount rate at contract inception.
Next Steps
The Board will continue to deliberate other targeted improvements to accounting for long-duration contracts.
Combinations: Accounting for Identifiable Intangible Assets in a
Business Combination for Public Business Entities and Not-for-Profit
Entities. The Board discussed whether to change the initial
recognition of customer-relationship intangible assets or noncompetition
agreements acquired in a business combination for public business
entities in light of the totality of the staff's research and outreach
conducted to date.
The Board decided to continue this project by continuing to engage with
the international community on this matter. In particular, the Board
directed the staff to research whether the usefulness of information
provided by the recognition of acquired intangible assets is different
for U.S. and international investors and if so, why that difference
Not-for-Profit Entities
The Board deferred any decisions about whether not-for-profit entities
should have the option to use the accounting alternative currently
available to private companies (under which an entity can elect not to
separately identify and recognize customer-related intangible assets
that are not capable of being sold or licensed independently from the
other assets of a business and noncompetition agreements) or be required
to use the guidance for public business entities until decisions are
made regarding whether to change the accounting for identifiable
intangible assets for public business entities.
Business Combinations: Accounting for Goodwill for Public Business Entities and Not-for-Profit Entities. The Board discussed whether and how to change the subsequent measurement of goodwill and made the following decisions.
The Board decided to proceed with the project under a phased approach.
The first phase is to simplify the impairment test by removing the
requirement to perform a hypothetical purchase price allocation when the
carrying value of a reporting unit exceeds its fair value (step 2 of
the impairment model in current GAAP). The Board considered but decided
not to allow entities an option to perform step 2.
In the second phase of the project, the Board plans to work concurrently
with the IASB to address any additional concerns about the subsequent
accounting for goodwill.
Not-for-Profit Entities
The Board decided not to allow not-for-profit entities the accounting
alternative currently available to private companies (which includes the
amortization of goodwill and a one-step, trigger-based impairment test
performed at the entity level or reporting unit level) at this time.
Reporting Units with Zero or Negative Carrying Value
The Board decided that if a reporting unit has zero or negative carrying
value and it is more likely than not that goodwill is impaired, an
entity would be required to write off the full carrying amount of
goodwill allocated to that reporting unit.
The Board decided not to make any changes to the presentation requirements in current GAAP.
The Board decided that entities would be required to adopt the simplified impairment test prospectively.
Next Steps
The Board directed the staff to further analyze the qualitative
assessment for entities with reporting units with a zero or negative
carrying value.