Tentative Board Decisions
Tentative Board decisions are provided for those interested in following
the Board’s deliberations. All of the reported decisions are tentative and may
be changed at future Board meetings.
Wednesday, December 16,
2020 FASB Board Meeting
intangible assets and subsequent accounting for goodwill. The Board
discussed the staff’s research and analysis on goodwill amortization periods and
methods for an impairment-with-amortization model, as well as evolving
amortization models in which the subsequent accounting for goodwill changes over
time. The Board decided that:
- An entity should amortize goodwill on a straight-line basis; an evolving
amortization model would not be permitted.
- An entity should amortize goodwill over a 10-year default
period, unless an entity elects and justifies another amortization period
based on the facts and circumstances of the acquisition.
- An entity that elects another amortization period would be
subject to a cap.
- An entity would not be required to reassess the amortization
The Board directed staff to perform additional research and
outreach relating to:
- Factors and criteria that would justify deviation from the default
amortization period
- How the factors to consider for the amortization period and
the criteria to justify a deviation would interact with the specifics of a
framework: disclosures—interim reporting. The Board discussed whether to
remove specific disclosure requirements from Topic 270, Interim Reporting, and
decided not to remove those requirements.
The Board directed the
staff to draft a proposed Accounting Standards Update on interim reporting for
vote by written ballot. The Board decided to provide a 90-day comment period for
the proposed Update.
Open discussion: agenda
prioritization. The FASB chair announced that the following projects will be
removed from the Board’s research agenda:
- Disclosure Review—Share-based Payment
- Disclosure Review—Foreign Currency
- Income Taxes—Backwards Tracing
- Inventory and Cost of Sales
- Variable Interest Entity Related Party Guidance.
FASB chair also announced a change to the objective and scope of the research
project, Disclosure Review—Intangibles. That research project will consider the
accounting for and disclosure of intangibles.