Tentative Board Decisions
Tentative Board decisions are provided for those interested in following
the Board’s deliberations. All of the reported decisions are tentative and may
be changed at future Board meetings.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
FASB Board Meeting
Post-implementation Review.
Standards Update No. 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842). The Board discussed
feedback received to date during the post-implementation review (PIR) of Update
2016-02. The staff provided the Board with a report of the staff’s activities as
part of the PIR process and summarized feedback received to date based on
its outreach meetings with financial statement users, agenda requests, and the
September 2020 public Leases
Roundtable. While no technical decisions were made, the staff discussed
feedback related to the importance of leasing information to financial statement
users, the lessee’s application of the incremental borrowing rate and nonpublic
lessee’s application of the risk-free rate, embedded leases, lease
modifications, allocation of lease payments, and other ancillary issues. The
staff will perform additional research and outreach on the practical expedient
that allows nonpublic lessees to use the risk-free rate as the lease discount
rate. Specifically, the staff’s research will consider the appropriateness of
the risk-free rate and whether the practical expedient should be applied at the
underlying class of asset level rather than at an entity-wide level. That
research will be considered at a future date as part of agenda request
activities. The staff also will consider providing additional educational
materials to clarify some aspects of Topic 842 for certain groups of
The staff will continue to perform general outreach with
stakeholders and continue to accumulate their feedback for presentation to the
Board at future meetings.
Accounting Standards Update No. 2016-13,
Financial Instruments—Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit
Losses on Financial Instruments. The Board discussed feedback received
to date during the post-implementation review (PIR) of Update 2016-13. The staff
provided the Board with a report of the staff’s activities as part of the PIR
process and summarized feedback received to date based on its direct outreach
with stakeholders and monitoring of publicly available information. While no
technical decisions were made, the staff discussed feedback related to areas
such as purchased financial assets that do not qualify for purchased financial
assets with credit deteriorated (PCD) accounting treatment, the accounting and
disclosure of troubled debt restructurings (TDRs), scope of financial assets
included in Update 2016-13 (including trade receivables), and disclosures. The
staff will perform additional research and outreach on the accounting for
non-PCD financial assets and TDRs to be considered at a future date as part of
agenda request activities. In addition, the staff will continue to monitor
feedback related to the scope of financial assets included in and disclosures
under Update 2016-13. The staff also will continue to perform general outreach
with stakeholders and continue to accumulate their feedback for presentation to
the Board at future meetings. This will include continuing dialogue seeking
feedback from prudential regulators.