Statement From AICPA President and CEO Barry Melancon on Blue Ribbon Panel
on Private Company Standard Setting
Published October 04, 2010
4, 2010) – The following is a statement by AICPA President and CEO
Barry Melancon on the upcoming Oct. 8 meeting of the Blue Ribbon Panel on
Private Company Standard Setting:
The Blue Ribbon Panel on Private
Company Standard Setting will meet in the AICPA’s offices in New York on Oct. 8
and we anticipate based on the preliminary conclusions during prior meetings it
will vote to recommend a new model of financial reporting that will generate
truly differentiated standards for private companies. Crucial to the
effective implementation of that recommendation is establishing a separate
standard setting board under the Financial Accounting Foundation to provide a
comprehensive solution to the problem of private company accounting. This has
been a long time coming and I believe the case for a separate private company
standards board under the oversight of the FAF is stronger than ever.