WASHINGTON, Sept. 21, 2017
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board will hold an Open Meeting on Tuesday, September 26, at 9 a.m., to consider issuing a supplemental request for comment on certain revisions to new requirements proposed last year that would apply to audits that involve auditors outside the firm issuing the audit report.
In many audits, important audit work is performed by firms or individual auditors outside the firm issuing the audit report. New requirements proposed on April 12, 2016, would address the lead auditor's use of those other auditors that participate in the audit. This supplemental request for comment would seek additional input on revisions to the proposal.
The meeting is open to the public and will take place in the Board's meeting room at 1666 K Street NW, Washington, DC. The meeting will be streamed live via a link on the PCAOB website and a recording will be available shortly after the meeting concludes.