Speech by SEC Chairman:
Opening Statement at the SEC Open
Item 1 — Security-Based Swaps Reporting
Chairman Mary L. Schapiro
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
SEC Open Meeting
Washington, D.C.
October 13, 2010
Good morning. This is an open meeting of the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission on October 13, 2010.
Today, the Commission will consider three sets of rules related to the
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
First, the Commission will consider issuing an interim final temporary
rule requiring swap dealers and other parties to report certain
pre-enactment security-based swaps to a registered security-based swap
data repository or to the Commission.
Second, the Commission will consider proposed rules which are intended
to mitigate conflicts of interest for security-based swap clearing
agencies, security-based swap execution facilities, and national
securities exchanges that post or make available for trading,
security-based swaps.
And, finally, the Commission will consider a proposal designed to
enhance disclosure to investors in the asset-backed securities market.
The first two items concern the over-the-counter derivatives market
which, prior to the Dodd-Frank Act, was largely unregulated. The new law
changes that by filling a number of significant regulatory gaps, bringing
greater transparency and accountability to the financial system in an
effort to reduce systemic risk, and giving the Commission important tools
to better protect investors.
Title VII of the Act vests the Commission with authority to regulate
security-based swaps and to take steps to encourage centralized clearing,
and fair competition and transparency in the trading of security-based
Today’s actions are among the first steps toward creating a regulatory
framework that fulfills the mandate of the new law and advances our
agency’s investor protection mission.
In preparing the rules proposed today, our rulemaking teams have been
working very closely with the CFTC, the agency responsible for regulating
all non-security-based swaps. The teams have also been coordinating
efforts with other financial regulators as required under the Act.
staff has worked, and continues to work, countless hours and has consulted
extensively, with the other regulatory agencies, as well as receiving
input from market participants and the public on all of the rulemakings
required pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Act.
I would like to thank the staff for the tremendous efforts that they
have put forth thus far, on the proposals before us today and, on those
yet to come.
Reporting of Security-Based Swaps
The first proposed rule would require the reporting of any
security-based swap that was entered into prior to the July 21 passage of
the Dodd-Frank Act. This rule would only apply to those swaps whose terms
had not expired as of that date.
This interim rule, which must be adopted within 90 days of the law’s
enactment, implements, in part, Section 766 of Dodd-Frank.
Until such time as final rules are adopted, this interim rule would
clarify who needs to do the reporting, what needs to be reported, and when
such reporting needs to occur.
In addition, the interim rule also would require parties to report to
the Commission, upon request, security-based swap information during the
period in which the rule is in effect. And, it would require the parties
to preserve data pertaining to the terms of pre-enactment security-based
swaps in support of the reporting requirements.
The interim final rule, if adopted, would provide a means for the
Commission to gain a better understanding of the security-based swap
markets, including the size and scope of that market. This knowledge will
help inform the Commission’s later rulemakings under the Dodd-Frank Act.
Before I ask Robert Cook, Director of the Division of Trading and
Markets, to discuss the proposed rules, I would like to thank Robert as
well as Heather Seidel, Tom Eady, David Michehl, Sarah Albertson, Natasha
Cowen, Yvonne Fraticelli, Geoff Pemble, Brian Trackman, Mia Zur and
Kathleen Gray from the Division of Trading and Markets for their hard work
on this rulemaking.
Thank as well to David Blass, Uzma Wahhab and Hope Jarkowski from the
Office of the General Counsel; Adam Glass, Scott Bauguess and Emre Carr
from the Division of Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation; and Amy
Starr from the Division of Corporation Finance.
Finally, I would like to thank the other Commissioners and all of our
counsels for their work and comments on the proposed rule.
Now I’ll turn the meeting over to Robert Cook to hear more about the
Division’s recommendations.