Summary of Board decisions are provided for the information and
convenience of constituents who want to follow the Board’s deliberations. All of
the conclusions reported are tentative and may be changed at future Board
meetings. Decisions are included in an Exposure Draft for formal comment only
after a formal written ballot. Decisions in an Exposure Draft may be (and often
are) changed in redeliberations based on information provided to the Board in
comment letters, at public roundtable discussions, and through other
communication channels. Decisions become final only after a formal written
ballot to issue a final standard.
August 5, 2009 Board Meeting
157—improving disclosures about fair value measurements. After
discussing the feedback received from field study participants on the proposed
disclosure requirements, the Board directed the staff to draft a proposed
Accounting Standards Update to improve disclosures about fair value
measurements. The Exposure Draft would both clarify certain existing required
disclosures about fair value measurements and propose several new disclosures,
as described below.
- The Board will propose three new disclosure requirements:
- Information about the sensitivity of certain fair value measurements: If
a change in one or more of the significant inputs to a Level 3 fair value
measurement would significantly change the fair value, the reporting entity
would state that fact and disclose the effect of those changes.
- Information about transfers in and/or out of Levels 1 and 2: A reporting
entity would disclose information about significant transfers in and out of
Levels 1 and 2 and the reasons for the transfers.
- Gross reporting of changes in Level 3 fair value measurements:
Information about purchases, sales, issuances, and settlements, included in
the reconciliation of Level 3 fair value measurements, would be presented on
a gross basis rather than a net basis.
- The Board will propose two clarifications of existing disclosure
- Level of disaggregation: An entity is currently required to provide fair
value measurement disclosures for each major category (class) of assets and
liabilities, and the Board plans to provide guidance on the meaning of the
term class. The Board believes a class is often a subset of assets
or liabilities within a line item in the statement of financial position. An
entity would apply judgment in determining the appropriate classes of assets
and liabilities.
- Disclosures about inputs and valuation techniques: An entity is
currently required to provide disclosures about the valuation techniques
used to measure fair value. The Board will clarify that the disclosures
about the inputs used are required for both recurring and nonrecurring fair
value measurements. The Board also will clarify that those disclosures are
required for fair value measurements that fall in both Level 2 and Level 3.
The Board decided that the proposal would be effective for reporting periods
(annual or interim) ending after December 15, 2009, except for Level 3
sensitivity disclosures, which would be effective for reporting periods (annual
or interim) ending after March 15, 2010.
The Board directed the staff to proceed to a draft of a proposed Accounting
Standards Update for vote by written ballot, with a 45-day comment period.
157—applying fair value to interests in alternative investments.
The Board deliberated issues raised by respondents to proposed FSP FAS 157-g,
Estimating the Fair Value of Investments in Investment Companies That Have
Calculated Net Asset Value per Share in Accordance with the AICPA Audit and
Accounting Guide, Investment Companies. The following decisions were
- The Board affirmed its earlier decision that an investment with a readily
determinable fair value should be excluded from the scope of the final
Accounting Standards Update. Additionally, the Board decided to clarify in the
final Accounting Standards Update that the guidance would apply to investments
in entities that (a) have the attributes specified in paragraph 946-10-15-2 of
the FASB Accounting Standards Codification™, (b) report net asset
value (or its equivalent, such as partner’s capital) to their investors, and
(c) calculate net asset value (or its equivalent) consistent with the
measurement principles of the Financial Services—Investment Companies Topic
(Topic 946), that is, substantially all of the investment assets of the entity
are reported at fair value.
- The Board affirmed its earlier decision that an entity would be permitted,
rather than required, as a practical expedient, to estimate the fair value of
an investment within the scope of the Accounting Standards Update using the
net asset value of the investment (or its equivalent) if the net asset value
is calculated consistent with the requirements of Topic 946 as of the
measurement date. Additionally, the Board decided that an entity would be
permitted to apply the practical expedient to investments acquired when there
is a difference between the transaction price and the net asset value and
recognize a gain or loss in earnings. An entity would not be required to
disclose separately such gains or losses.
- The Board decided that an entity would be permitted to use net asset value
as a practical expedient on an investment-by-investment basis. The entity
would be required to apply the practical expedient consistently to its entire
position in a particular investment.
- The Board decided that an entity would not be permitted to use net asset
value, as a practical expedient, to estimate fair value of an investment in
the scope of the Accounting Standards Update if certain criteria are met that
indicate that it is probable that the entity will sell the investment in a
secondary market. The criteria to determine whether the investment is likely
to be sold in the secondary market would be similar to those in the Property,
Plant, and Equipment Topic (Topic 360) for determining whether a long-lived
asset to be sold should be classified as held for sale. The Board also decided
that an entity would be required to provide additional disclosures about
situations in which the entity determines that it is probable that it will
sell an investment (or investments) in the secondary market.
- The Board decided to clarify that an entity may apply the practical
expedient if the net asset value reported by the investee is not as of the
reporting entity’s measurement date. However, the entity would be required to
adjust the latest available net asset value for significant events that
occurred since the date the net asset value was calculated by the investee so
that the adjusted net asset value is effectively calculated consistent with
the requirements of Topic 946 as of the measurement date.
- The Board decided to clarify that the disclosures are to be presented by
major category, rather than by individual investment, and that those
categories are intended to be consistent with existing guidance for major
security types for debt and equity securities and major category of plan
assets. The entity would be required to provide a general description of the
terms and conditions for redemption of the investments in each major category.
Additionally, for those otherwise redeemable investments that are restricted
from redemption as of the reporting entity’s measurement date (for example,
due to a lockup or the imposition of a gate), the entity would be required to
disclose its best estimate of when the restriction against redemption might
lapse. If that estimate cannot be made, the entity would disclose that fact as
well as how long the restriction has been in place.
- The Board decided to clarify that classification within the fair value
hierarchy of an investment within the scope of the guidance requires judgement
based on the existing principles of the Fair Value Measurements and
Disclosures Topic (Topic 820) and that all attributes of the investment should
be considered.
- The Board decided that the disclosure provisions of the Accounting
Standards Update would not be applicable to employers’ disclosures about
postretirement benefit plan assets required by the Compensation—Retirement
Benefits Topic (Topic 715).
- The final Accounting Standards Update will be effective for periods ending
after December 15, 2009, with early adoption permitted. If an entity elects to
early adopt the Accounting Standards Update, the entity would not be required
to early adopt the disclosure provisions of the Accounting Standards Update.
and gas disclosures. The Board decided to amend FASB Accounting
Standards CodificationTM Topic 932,
Extractive Activities—Oil and Gas, to align the existing GAAP disclosure and
reserves calculation requirements with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s
final rule, Modernization of the Oil and Gas Reporting Requirements
(the Final Rule). A description of those amendments follows.
- The Board made the following decisions about the staff’s proposed
conforming changes to Topic 932:
- The scope will be expanded to include nontraditional sources of oil- and
gas-producing activities.
- Definitions in the Master Glossary linked to Topic 932 will be amended
or added to align with the Final Rule.
- The aggregate amount of future cash inflows related to the standardized
measure of discounted future cash flows and the aggregate change in the
standardized measure of discounted cash flows will be calculated and
disclosed using 12-month average prices instead of year-end prices.
- Geographic area will be defined as countries containing significant
reserves, and any country containing 15 percent or more of proved reserves
will be considered significant.
- The Board made the following decisions about equity method investments
related to Topic 932:
- Equity method investments must be considered in determining whether an
entity has significant oil- and gas-producing activities.
- An entity must present separately disclosures about reserve quantities
and amounts (for example, the results of operations) for consolidated
entities and an entity’s proportionate interest in equity method investees.
An entity may also present a combined total.
- An entity must disclose information about an entity’s proportionate
interest in an equity method investee in the same level of detail as is
required for consolidated investments.
- The Board made the following decisions about effective date and transition
- The Accounting Standards Update will be effective for annual reporting
periods ending on or after December 31, 2009. Early application is not
permitted, and the Accounting Standards Update must be applied prospectively
as a change in estimate.
- An entity is not required to present separately the effect of the
adoption of a final Accounting Standards Update in a single line-item within
the “roll-forward” of the entity’s (1) proved reserve quantities or (2) the
standardized measure of discounted future cash flows. If significant and
practical, an entity must disclose separately an estimate of the effect of
the adoption of the Accounting Standards Update for each disclosure. If the
effect is not significant or not practical to estimate, the entity must
state that fact and describe why it is not practical to estimate the effect
of adopting the Accounting Standards Update. If a particular aspect of the
adoption of the Accounting Standards Update is significant and practical to
estimate, but another aspect is not, the entity must disclose the effect of
the aspect that is significant and practical to estimate and indicate that
other aspects were not.
- An entity must disclose separately the effect on the disclosures of
quantities and amounts due to the inclusion of nontraditional sources of oil
and gas within the scope of Topic 932.
- The Board directed the staff to proceed to a draft of a proposed
Accounting Standards Update for vote by written ballot, with a 30-day comment