SUMMARY OF BOARD DECISIONSSummary of Board decisions are provided for the information and convenience of constituents who want to follow the Board’s deliberations. All of the conclusions reported are tentative and may be changed at future Board meetings. Decisions are included in an Exposure Draft for formal comment only after a formal written ballot. Decisions in an Exposure Draft may be (and often are) changed in redeliberations based on information provided to the Board in comment letters, at public roundtable discussions, and through other communication channels. Decisions become final only after a formal written ballot to issue a final standard. August 19, 2009 Board Meeting Accounting for financial instruments. The Board discussed which financial instruments would be affected by the proposed changes to the accounting for financial instruments. The Board decided that the scope of the project would include all financial instruments as defined in the Master Glossary of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification™, except for the following:
The Board also decided to include an anti-abuse provision within the final guidance that would require the use of judgment to identify nonsubstantive contractual clauses or multiple transactions entered into to circumvent provisions of specific accounting standards, specifically the identification of financial instruments. Revenue recognition. The Discussion Paper, Preliminary Views on Revenue Recognition in Contracts with Customers, proposes that revenue recognition should be based on a single asset or liability—an entity’s contract with a customer. The combination of the remaining rights and obligations in that contract gives rise to a (net) contract asset or a (net) contract liability. At this meeting, the Board discussed various issues related to the presentation of contracts with customers. Those issues include:
Disclosure of certain loss contingencies. The Board began redeliberations of disclosure requirements for certain loss contingencies. The Board decided to initially focus its deliberations on loss contingencies associated with litigation and to consider other types of loss contingencies at a future meeting. The Board decided on the following disclosure objective: An entity shall disclose qualitative and quantitative information about the loss contingency to enable a financial statement user to understand the nature of the contingency and its potential timing and magnitude.
The Board decided to maintain the existing requirement to disclose asserted claims and assessments whose likelihood of loss is at least reasonably possible and to clarify that at least reasonably possible and more than remote have the same meaning. The Board also decided that certain remote loss contingencies should be disclosed, and it directed the staff to develop possible approaches for discussion at a future meeting. The Board also decided to maintain existing threshold requirements for unasserted claims and assessments and agreed to enhance the existing interpretive guidance about the threshold. The Board decided that entities should not consider the possibility of recoveries from insurance or indemnification arrangements when assessing whether a contingency should be disclosed. Regarding quantitative disclosure requirements, the Board directed the staff to develop an approach that would focus on disclosure of nonprivileged quantitative information that would be relevant to making an estimate of the potential loss, for consideration by the Board at a future meeting. The Board decided not to require entities to disclose information about settlement negotiations. The Board decided to require disclosure about possible recoveries from insurance and other sources if and to the extent that the information has been provided to the plaintiff in discovery. The Board discussed the effective date of any final guidance on this project and decided not to rule out the possibility that it could be effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2009. Technical corrections to FASB Statements and other U.S. GAAP literature. The Board discussed the comments received on the FASB Exposure Draft, Rescission of FASB Technical Bulletin No. 01-1, Nullification of EITF Topics No. D-33 and No. D-67, Amendments, and Technical Corrections, and decided to proceed to issuing a final Accounting Standards Update (Update). The final Update will reflect the proposed amendments in the Exposure Draft, with a few modifications. The significant modifications include the following:
The final Update will be effective upon issuance with the exception of the
amendment to Statement 133 (Topic 815) discussed above and the nullification of
EITF Topic No. D-67, “Isolation of Assets Transferred by Financial Institutions
under FASB Statement No. 125.” |