Summary of Board decisions are provided for the information and convenience of constituents who want to follow the Board’s deliberations. All of the conclusions reported are tentative and may be changed at future Board meetings. Decisions are included in an Exposure Draft for formal comment only after a formal written ballot. Decisions in an Exposure Draft may be (and often are) changed in redeliberations based on information provided to the Board in comment letters, at public roundtable discussions, and through other communication channels. Decisions become final only after a formal written ballot to issue an Accounting Standards Update.
October 26, 2009 Joint FASB/IASB Board Meeting
At their respective meetings in September 2009, the Boards considered additional guidance in the proposed model to help an entity determine when to recognize revenue. At this joint meeting, the Boards considered additional guidance to help an entity determine how much revenue to recognize.
In their Discussion Paper, the Boards proposed that an entity should allocate the transaction price, on a relative standalone selling price basis, to each performance obligation in the contract. When an entity satisfies a performance obligation, it should recognize revenue in the amount that was allocated to the performance obligation.
Allocating the transaction price
The Boards decided tentatively that:
When goods and services in a contract segment are transferred at different times (or continuously), an entity must determine how much revenue to recognize as each performance obligation is satisfied. The Boards decided tentatively that:
Next steps
In November, the Boards plan to consider issues related to the subsequent
measurement of performance obligations and how an entity would apply the
proposed model to licensing arrangements.
Reporting discontinued operations. The Boards discussed the definition of a discontinued operation. They directed the staff to analyze IFRS 5, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, to explore the option of adopting as the converged definition the definition of a discontinued operation in that standard. Additionally, the Boards directed the staff to analyze the disclosures required by IFRS 5 and Presentation of Financial Statements (Topic 205) of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification™ (originally issued as FASB Statement No. 144, Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets) and develop a proposal for converged disclosures.
Accounting for financial instruments. The Boards discussed and agreed on a set of core principles for working to achieve a converged solution on financial instruments accounting. The core principles are designed to achieve comparability and transparency as well as consistency of credit impairment models and reduced complexity of financial instruments accounting. The core principles are a work in progress and will be posted to the FASB’s website along with the FASB’s updated work plan.
The Boards also discussed possible alternatives for presenting some financial instruments that are not measured at fair value through net income.
The Boards agreed that for financial instruments with principal amounts that are held for collection or payment of contractual cash flows rather than for sale or settlement with a third party both fair value and amortized cost are relevant information.
The FASB will continue to consider the financial statement presentation of financial instruments other than those carried at fair value through income.
The IASB will separately consider whether to require presentation of (1) fair value of financial instruments measured at amortized cost on the statement of financial position, (2) information about changes in fair value of financial instruments recognized at amortized cost on the performance statement, and (3) the components of other comprehensive income, including any fair value changes recognized in other comprehensive income, on the performance statement.
The Boards agreed to jointly discuss the accounting for credit losses of
financial instruments and hedge accounting. The Boards discussed the
basic accounting for credit losses for financial assets in the fair value
through other comprehensive income category that was tentatively agreed to by
the FASB at its October 21, 2009 meeting. Once the FASB model is fully
developed, that model, along with the IASB’s expected cash flow approach, will
be discussed with an expert advisory panel that will advise the Boards on
operational issues on the application of their credit impairment models and how
those issues might be resolved.
Consolidation. The FASB has recently amended its requirements in relation to identifying when entities known as variable interest entities should be consolidated. Variable interest entities include the type of structure such as structured investment vehicles that attracted attention as the global financial crisis developed.
The IASB is deliberating its proposals to revise its requirements for identifying when entities should be consolidated. The IASB’s proposals would apply to entities that would be variable interest entities under U.S. GAAP. However, the IASB’s proposals are broader and would also apply to those entities that are normally controlled by way of voting rights.
At this meeting:
Financial instruments with characteristics of equity. The Boards decided to consider an approach that would classify as equity particular share-settled instruments. Under that approach, an issuer would classify as equity an instrument it must settle by issuing equity instruments unless the issuer is using the equity instruments as currency. Examples of circumstances in which the issuer is using its equity instruments as a form of currency are the following:
October 27, 2009 Joint FASB/IASB Board Meeting
Statement of comprehensive income. The IASB staff discussed
the recent IASB decision to amend IAS 1 Presentation of Financial
Statements, to require an entity to present all items of income and expense
as a single statement of comprehensive income. The staff also explained
the IASB decisions to provide additional guidance on how items reported in other
comprehensive income must be presented within the single statement of
comprehensive income. The staff noted that the FASB has made similar
decisions during its deliberations in its ongoing projects on Financial
Instruments and the joint FASB/IASB project on Financial Statement Presentation.
As a result, the IASB staff asked the joint FASB/IASB Boards to consider
working together to develop guidance on a single statement of comprehensive
income that would be as convergent as possible and would be issued in the near
The Boards unanimously decided to work together to develop guidance
on the preparation of a single statement of comprehensive income that is
convergent but would be issued separately by the IASB and FASB.
Financial statement presentation. The Boards continued their deliberations on the proposals in the Discussion Paper, Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation. Specifically, the Boards considered:
The proposed reconciliation schedule
The Discussion Paper proposes that an entity should include a schedule in the notes to financial statements that reconciles cash flows to comprehensive income on a line-by-line basis and disaggregates comprehensive income into four components: cash, accruals other than remeasurements, remeasurements that are recurring fair value changes or valuation adjustments, and remeasurements that are not recurring fair value changes or valuation adjustments.
The Boards tentatively decided:
The Boards tentatively decided that information about remeasurements should be presented in the financial statements. The FASB tentatively agreed to require disaggregation of remeasurements on the face of the statement of comprehensive income (SCI) in a columnar format. The IASB expressed a preference for presenting information about remeasurements in the notes to financial statements. The IASB agreed to reconsider the issue after the staff analyze current disclosures of remeasurement information and disclosures being considered in other projects.
The Boards discussed modifying the proposed definition of a remeasurement as
follows: a remeasurement is an amount recognized in comprehensive income that
reflects the effects of a change in the carrying amount of an asset or
liability attributable to a change in a to a current
price or value (or to an estimate of a current price or
value). The Boards asked the staff to further refine the definition.
Presentation of cash flow information
The Discussion Paper proposes that an entity should present cash flows using a direct method. That direct method of presentation requires an entity to disaggregate its cash receipts and payments in a manner that helps a user of financial statements to understand how those cash flows relate to information presented in the SCI and the statement of financial position (SFP).
The Boards tentatively decided:
The Boards also tentatively decided to require disclosure of information about repatriation limitations and other restrictions on cash (and short-term investments similar to cash) in the notes to financial statements.
Disaggregation of items of income and expense by function and nature
The Discussion Paper proposes that within each category in the SCI, an entity should disaggregate its items of income and expense by function. Each of those functions should be further disaggregated by nature to the extent that information enhances the usefulness of the SCI in predicting an entity’s future cash flows. If that by-nature presentation is impractical on the face of the SCI, an entity should present the information in the notes to financial statements.
The Discussion Paper also proposes that if, in the opinion of management, presenting disaggregated information by function does not provide relevant information, an entity can disaggregate its items of comprehensive income by their nature within each category in the SCI.
The Boards tentatively decided that the Exposure Draft should include an overall disaggregation principle that requires an entity to consider disaggregation by function, nature, and measurement bases in the financial statements as a whole. Additionally, the Boards tentatively decided that the Exposure Draft should include guidance for applying that disaggregation principle in each financial statement.
For the SCI, the Boards tentatively decided to retain the proposal that an entity should disaggregate income and expense items by function and by nature. Further, the Boards tentatively decided that an entity that has only one reportable segment should present that disaggregated information on the face of the SCI and that an entity that has more than one reportable segment should present that disaggregated information in its segment note. The Boards will discuss segment reporting at a future meeting.
Defining the business and financing sections
In September, the Boards tentatively decided that there should not be an operating or investing category within the business section as proposed in the Discussion Paper. Rather, additional groupings of information within the business section (that is, categories) should reflect the facts and circumstances of that entity and should be left to management’s discretion. Both Boards expressed willingness to reconsider that decision after reviewing the proposed drafting of the business section definition for the Exposure Draft.
Also in September, the Boards agreed that the financing section definition should be more specific than what was proposed in the Discussion Paper. Both Boards tentatively decided to define the financing section as liabilities that arise as part of an entity’s capital-raising activities. However, the Boards had different views as to whether treasury assets (specifically, cash) should be included in the financing section.
At this meeting, the Boards tentatively decided the following:
October 28, 2009 Joint FASB/IASB Board Meeting
Fair value measurement. The FASB published Statement No.157, Fair Value Measurements, in 2007 and those requirements have been effective since November 2007. In May 2009, the IASB published an Exposure Draft of an IFRS on fair value measurement that is largely consistent with the FASB requirements.
At this meeting :
The Boards discussed:
The Boards reaffirmed the right-of-use approach for lessees. That approach, as described in the Discussion Paper, Leases: Preliminary Views, proposes that a lessee should recognize for all leases:
The Boards discussed whether the scope of a leases standard should include a contract that represents the purchase (lessee) or sale (lessor) of the subject item. The Boards decided to exclude such contracts from the scope of the leases standard. The Boards directed the staff to develop criteria for an entity to use in determining whether an arrangement is the purchase or sale of an asset and is not a lease.
The Boards considered the following models for how a lessor would apply a right-of-use approach:
The Boards decided to adopt the performance obligation approach to lessor accounting. Under that approach, a lessor would:
The Boards discussed whether an entity should recognize any assets or liabilities during the period between the signing of a lease contract and the delivery of the leased item to the lessee. The Boards decided that:
In November, the Boards will continue discussing lessee and lessor accounting
Technical plan. The Boards expect to update their technical
plans on their websites at the end of next week.
taxes. The IASB staff presented an analysis of the comment letters
received on the its Exposure Draft, Income Tax. The Boards
indicated that they would consider undertaking a fundamental review of
accounting for income taxes at some time in the future. In the meantime, the
IASB staff plans to present options on how the IASB should proceed with the
proposals in the Exposure Draft at the November IASB