Fee Rate Advisory #3 for Fiscal Year 2018


Washington D.C., April 17, 2018 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that starting on May 22, 2018, the fee rates applicable to most securities transactions will be set at $13.00 per million dollars.  

Consequently, each SRO will continue to pay the Commission a rate of $23.10 per million for covered sales occurring on charge dates through May 21, 2018, and a rate of $13.00 per million for covered sales occurring on charge dates on or after May 22, 2018.  

The reduction in the fee rate for fiscal year 2018 is due, in part, to the substantially higher dollar amount of covered sales in recent months.  The Commission notes that if the dollar amount of covered sales deviates from current levels when the fee rate is next adjusted, a large reduction or increase in the fee rate may again be required; this is especially so if the next adjustment occurs later in the next fiscal year.  

For more information on the term "charge date," please refer to Rule 31(a)(3) and Exchange Act Release No. 49928 at http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-49928.htm.

The assessment on security futures transactions will remain unchanged at $0.0042 for each round turn transaction.

The Commission determined these new rates in accordance with Section 31 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  These adjustments do not directly affect the amount of funding available to the SEC.

The Office of Interpretation and Guidance in the Commission's Division of Trading and Markets is available for questions on Section 31 at (202) 551-5777, or by e-mail at: tradingandmarkets@sec.gov

The Commission will issue further notices as appropriate to keep the public informed of developments relating to fees under Section 31.  These notices will be posted at the Commission's Internet Website at http://www.sec.gov/.