Testimony on "Examining Bank Supervision and Risk Management in Light of JPMorgan Chase's Trading Loss" on June 19, 2012 by Chairman Mary L. Schapiro
Testimony on “Examining Bank Supervision and Risk Management in Light
of JPMorgan Chase’s Trading Loss”
by Chairman Mary L. Schapiro U.S. Securities and Exchange
Before the Committee on Financial Services, United States House of
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Chairman Bachus, Ranking Member Frank, and members of the Committee: I
appreciate the opportunity to testify on behalf of the Securities and
Exchange Commission regarding the significant trading losses announced
last month by JPMorgan Chase.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPMC) is a bank holding company with $2.3
trillion in consolidated assets. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is
JPMC’s regulator. JPMC has a number of affiliates, including several bank
subsidiaries. The largest such subsidiary, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
(Chase) is a national bank supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of
the Currency (OCC). Additionally, JPMC’s material broker-dealer subsidiary
registered in the United States is JP Morgan Securities LLC, which is
subject to oversight by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
including compliance with its financial responsibility and customer
protection rules.
On May 10, 2012, the company announced that JPMC incurred $2 billion in
trading losses stemming from activities conducted by JPMC’s Chief
Investment Office (CIO). JPMC’s Chairman and CEO, James Dimon, publicly
stated that the company could face additional losses due to market
volatility. The CIO is functionally responsible for the bank’s
asset-liability management activities.
The trading losses reported by JPMC appear to have occurred in the bank
in London and perhaps in other affiliates – but not in the broker-dealer
that is directly supervised by the SEC. Although the Commission does not
discuss investigations publicly, I can say that in circumstances of this
nature, the SEC’s primary authority relates to the appropriateness and
completeness of the entity’s financial reporting and other public
disclosures, as well as its financial accounting and internal control over
financial reporting.
As a publicly-held company, JPMC is subject to the reporting
requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and
must provide disclosures about market risks in its annual and quarterly
reports. During a conference call with analysts on May 10, Mr. Dimon
stated that JPMC was estimating a net $800 million loss in the CIO for the
second quarter as detailed in the company’s Form 10-Q. He further stated
that the company had implemented a new value-at-risk1 (VaR) model for usage by the CIO in the first
quarter of 2012, which the company had determined was inadequate. Mr.
Dimon also noted that the strategy that gave rise to the loss was “flawed,
complex, poorly reviewed, poorly executed, and poorly monitored.” JPMC’s
quarterly report – its Form 10-Q – filed on the same day also provided
updated guidance for the CIO and included VaR estimates for the CIO that
were revised from those reported in its first quarter earnings release
supplement, which had been filed with the SEC on Form 8-K on April 13,
2012. The Form 10-Q indicated that the revised VaR estimate superseded the
previous number included in the April 13 Form 8-K and was calculated using
a methodology consistent with the methodologies used to calculate the
CIO’s VaR in 2011. The Form 10-Q also noted that since March 31, the CIO
had significant mark-to-market losses in its synthetic credit portfolio,
and that the plan it had been using to hedge risks “has proven to be
riskier, more volatile and less effective as an economic hedge” than the
company previously believed.
The SEC’s rules require comprehensive disclosure about the risks faced
by a public company, including line item requirements for disclosure of
specific information about risk, as well as principles-based disclosure
requirements for companies to address the risks and uncertainties they
face. For example, Item 305 of Regulation S-K requires quantitative
disclosure of a company’s market risk exposures, which includes exposures
related to derivatives and other financial instruments.2 Under the rules, companies are permitted
to use one of three alternatives to disclose this information:
- tabular presentation of information related to market sensitive
- sensitivity analysis disclosure that expresses the potential loss in
future earnings, fair values or cash flows of market sensitive
instruments resulting from one or more selected hypothetical changes
over a selected period of time from changes in market factors;
- VaR disclosures that express the potential loss in future earnings,
fair values or cash flows of market sensitive instruments over a
selected period of time, with a selected likelihood of occurrence from
changes in market factors.
Disclosure is required on an annual basis about market risk as of the
end of the company’s fiscal year. In addition, on a quarterly basis, the
company is required to provide discussion and analysis to enable a reader
to assess the sources and effects of material changes in information that
would be provided under this item from the end of the preceding fiscal
year to the date of the most recent balance sheet. If a company chooses to
use the VaR disclosure alternative to comply with this market risk
exposure requirement, it must disclose changes to key model
characteristics, assumptions and parameters used in providing the
quantitative information about market risk, including the reasons for the
changes. Disclosure is also required if the company changes the scope of
the instruments included within the model, along with the reasons for the
change. Item 305 of Regulation S-K also calls for qualitative disclosure
about the company’s primary market risk exposures and how the company
manages such market risks. Like the quantitative disclosure, this
disclosure is required annually, with material changes reported quarterly.
Generally accepted accounting principles also necessitate detailed
information about derivatives instruments in the notes to the financial
statements. The mandated disclosures include information regarding volume,
fair values, maturity information and indication of credit risk, as well
as qualitative information about the entity’s objective for holding the
instruments and how the risks are managed.3
In addition, in cases in which a company has compensation policies and
practices for employees that are reasonably likely to have a material
adverse effect on the company, the SEC’s rules call for disclosure in a
company’s annual proxy statement of the policies or practices as they
relate to risk management and risk-taking incentives.4 Our rules also require specific disclosure in
the company’s annual proxy statement about the board’s role in oversight
of risk at the company.5
In addition, certain principles-based rules require disclosure about a
broad range of risks. For example, Item 303 of Regulation S-K,
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations, requires a discussion of known trends, events, demands,
commitments, and uncertainties that are reasonably likely to have a
material effect on financial condition or operating performance.6 This disclosure should highlight issues that are
reasonably likely to cause reported financial information not to be
necessarily indicative of future operating performance or of future
financial condition. This provision would mandate disclosure, for example,
if a company was experiencing trading losses that are different from past
experience, and, as a result, its current year results are likely to be
materially adversely impacted compared to prior years.
Similarly, the Risk Factors disclosure requirement in Item 503 of
Regulation S-K requires companies to describe the material risks they face
and how particular risks affect the company.7 Further, under the SEC’s rules,
disclosures must be complete and not misleading. Specifically, Rule
12b-20 under the Exchange Act provides that “in addition to the
information expressly required to be included in a statement or report,
there shall be added such further material information, if any, as may be
necessary to make the required statements, in light of the circumstances
under which they are made not misleading.”8
In conclusion, the examination and review of the causes and
implications of the JPMC trading losses are ongoing. Once we have a fuller
understanding of these issues, we will be in a better position to
determine whether additional regulatory or legislative action is
I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
1 Value-at-risk estimates, at a given confidence
level, typically 95% or 99%, the potential decline in the value of a
position or a portfolio under normal market conditions.
2 17 CFR 229.305.
3 See U.S. GAAP Accounting Standards
Codification Topic 815-10-50.
4 17 CFR 229.402(s).
5 17 CFR 229.407(h).
6 17 CFR 229.303.
7 17 CFR 229.503(c).
8 17 CFR 240.12b-20.