PCAOB Announces Investor Advisory Group Members

Washington, D.C., March 1, 2013 


The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board today announced 20 new and reappointed members of its Investor Advisory Group (IAG). These members will serve three-year terms ending in October 2015.

The Board established the IAG in July 2009 as a forum for the investor community to provide views and advice on matters affecting investors and the work of the PCAOB.

"The Board has an important mandate to protect the investing public's interest through high quality auditing," said James R. Doty, PCAOB Chairman. "IAG members provide critical insight and advice on how the Board can and should meet that charge."

The members of the IAG are listed below. Member biographies and information about the group are available on the Investor Advisory Group page on the PCAOB website.

"The IAG has been a benefit to the PCAOB because of the expertise and thoughtfulness of individuals from the investment community who volunteer their time to serve as members," said Steven B. Harris, PCAOB Board member and IAG Chairman.

The PCAOB issued a request for IAG nominations in August 2012. The Board received more than 40 applications. Membership in the advisory group is personal to the member, and the duties and responsibilities cannot be delegated to others.

Questions about the group may be directed to Nina Mojiri-Azad, Special Counsel to Board Member and IAG Chairman Steven B. Harris, at MojiriazadN@pcaobus.org or 202-207-9035.

2012-2015 Investor Advisory Group Members:

Brandon Becker
Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, TIAA-CREF

Robert T. Buettner
Managing Director, Newbrook Capital Advisors

Mercer E. Bullard
Associate Professor of Law and Jessie D. Puckett, Jr., Professor, University of Mississippi School of Law; Vice President, Plancorp, LLC; Founder and President, Fund Democracy, Inc.

Curtis L. Buser
Managing Director and Chief Accounting Officer, The Carlyle Group

T. Grant Callery
Former Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

Joseph V. Carcello
Ernst & Young Professor, Department of Accounting and Information Management, and Co-Founder and Director of Research, Corporate Governance Center, University of Tennessee

Norman J. Harrison
Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting, Inc.

Michael J. Head
Managing Director of Corporate Audit, TD AMERITRADE Holding Corporation

W. Howard Morris
President and Chief Investment Officer, The Prairie & Tireman Group

Peter H. Nachtwey
Chief Financial Officer, Legg Mason, Inc.

Barbara L. Roper
Director of Investor Protection, Consumer Federation of America (CFA)

Lawrence M. Shover
Chief Investment Officer, Solutions Funds Group

Damon A. Silvers
Director of Policy and Special Counsel, AFL-CIO

Anne Simpson
Senior Portfolio Manager, Investments and Director of Corporate Governance, California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)

Tony Sondhi
President, A.C. Sondhi & Associates, LLC

Judge Stanley Sporkin
U.S. District Court (Retired)

Robert M. Tarola
President, Right Advisory LLC

Lynn E. Turner
Managing Director, LitiNomics

Gary G. Walsh
Principal and Portfolio Manager, Luther King Capital Management

Ann L. Yerger
Executive Director, Council of Institutional Investors (CII)