Norwalk, CT, January 30, 2014—The
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) today published an Implementation
Guide for the new GASB standards regarding accounting and financial reporting
for pensions. The Guide
to Implementation of GASB Statement 68 on Accounting and Financial Reporting for
Pensions is an authoritative resource designed to assist preparers and
auditors of state and local government financial statements as they implement
the Statement, which is effective for periods beginning after June 15, 2014.
Prepared by the GASB staff and cleared for issuance by the Board, GASB
Implementation Guides are classified as category (d) in the hierarchy of
generally accepted accounting principles. This category also includes practices
that are widely recognized and prevalent in state and local government.
The Implementation Guide for Statement 68 answers key questions about
putting the new standards into practice. Topics addressed in the Guide include:
- The scope and applicability of GASB
Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for
- Considerations regarding the identification of special funding
- Measurement of defined benefit pension liabilities of employers and
nonemployer contributing entities
- Pension expense and deferred inflows and outflows of resources related to
- Note disclosures and required supplementary information
- Unique issues related to cost-sharing employers and certain nonemployer
contributing entities
- Transition to the new standards.
Questions and answers are
supplemented with several appendices, including a glossary of terms and
nonauthoritative illustrative material. Illustrations include material based on
that initially presented in Statement 68, accompanied by five additional
illustrations developed specifically for the guide.
“Preparers and
auditors of governmental financial reports posed questions to the GASB staff
regarding the application of the pension standards throughout their development
and after their issuance,” said GASB Chairman David A. Vaudt. “The
Implementation Guide is in a question and answer format that includes
illustrative examples to assist these stakeholders in understanding and applying
the pension standards.”
“We are pleased to announce that an electronic
version of this Implementation Guide is available for download on the GASB
website at no cost—as are all GASB Implementation Guides,” Mr. Vaudt
Beginning in mid-February, a hard copy bound edition of the Guide
will be available for purchase for $46.50 plus shipping by visiting the GASB store, or by calling
the GASB Order Department at (800) 748-0659.
The GASB also published an
Guide on Statement No. 67, Financial Reporting for Pension Plans,
in June 2013. For more information and resources relating to Statements 67 and
68, visit the GASB
About the Governmental Accounting Standards
The GASB is the independent, not-for-profit organization
formed in 1984 that establishes and improves financial accounting and reporting
standards for state and local governments. Its seven members are drawn from the
Board’s diverse constituency, including preparers and auditors of government
financial statements, users of those statements, and members of the academic
community. More information about the GASB can be found at its website,