PCAOB Announces 15 New and Reappointed Standing Advisory Group Members

Also announces 2015 SAG meeting dates

Washington, DC, Dec. 8, 2014

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board today announced 15 new and reappointed members to its Standing Advisory Group (SAG), bringing the total membership to 42.

These members will serve three-year terms, beginning in January 2015.

"Next year the PCAOB will continue its work on some pioneering and innovative changes to U.S. auditing standards, and we will rely on our SAG members to assist us in working through the complex issues involved," said PCAOB Chairman James R. Doty.

The SAG advises the PCAOB on the development of auditing and related professional practice standards.

The advisory group includes investor representatives, as well as accounting, auditing, financial reporting, corporate finance and corporate governance representatives and experts.

The names of the 2015 SAG members are listed below, including 27 continuing members. SAG information and member biographies are available on the PCAOB website.

"We have a robust standard-setting agenda, and we appreciate the SAG members' valuable input as we undertake these very important issues," said Martin F. Baumann, PCAOB Chief Auditor and Director of Professional Standards and SAG Chairman.

The PCAOB issued a request for SAG membership nominations, including self-nominations, in May 2014. The PCAOB solicits nominations and renominations annually. Membership in the advisory group is personal to the member, and the duties and responsibilities cannot be delegated to others.

The Board also announced today that it has scheduled the following SAG meetings for 2015: June 17-18 and November 12-13. The agendas and meeting logistics will be announced closer to the meeting dates.