IFRS Foundation Trustees' Due Process Oversight Committee to carry out a review of the Interpretations Committee

25 October 2010


The IFRS Foundation Trustees’ Due Process Oversight Committee is carrying out a review of the Interpretations Committee (formerly known as IFRIC) in order to assess its effectiveness.

The review is being conducted by means of a questionnaire, which is attached here, the  questionnaire has been designed to help the Trustees assess the effectiveness of the Interpretations Committee.

The Foundation welcomes the views of all interested stakeholders and will consider views received on or before the closing date, 31 January 2011. The questionnaire should be e-mailed to the following address: interpretations-comm@ifrs.org.

Once the Trustees have completed their review of the Interpretations Committee, they will publish a report of their conclusions. The Trustees expect to do this in the first half of 2011. This will be available on this website and will be sent to everyone who participated in the Interpretations Committee review.