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Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) - 2022/2464/EUEU Taxonomy - 2020/852(EU)Disclosures Delegated Act (Consolidated version) - 2021/2178(EU)Climate Delegated Act (Consolidated version) - 2021/2139(EU)Complementary Climate Delegated Act - 2022/1214(EU)Environmental Delegated Act - 2023/2486 (EU)ESRS Standards
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) - 2022/2464/EUEU Taxonomy - 2020/852(EU)Disclosures Delegated Act (Consolidated version) - 2021/2178(EU)Climate Delegated Act (Consolidated version) - 2021/2139(EU)Complementary Climate Delegated Act - 2022/1214(EU)Environmental Delegated Act - 2023/2486 (EU)ESRS Standards