Webcast series: Explore the Equity Method Exposure Draft
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is consulting on proposed amendments
aimed at helping companies to account for their investments in associates and joint
ventures. The proposals respond to stakeholders’ questions on how to apply the equity
In this webcast series, IASB members and technical staff take a detailed look into the
proposed amendments.
The deadline for submitting your comments to the Exposure Draft Equity Method of Accounting—IAS 28 Investments in Associates
and Joint Ventures (revised 202x) is 20 January 2025.
Webcast 1: Overview of the Exposure Draft
Access the webcast here
Access the slides from Webcast 1.
Webcast 2: Main proposals
Access the webcast here
Access the slides from Webcast 2.
Webcast 3: Supplementary proposals
Access the webcast here
Access the slides from Webcast 3.