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How to use iGAAPGlossary of terms and abbreviationsEditorial team and contributorsIntroduction to Volume DRecent Changes to Deloitte Guidance in Volume DD1 What is an insurance contract?D2 Scope of IFRS 17D3 Level of aggregationD4 RecognitionD5 Measurement at initial recognitionD6 Subsequent measurementD7 Onerous contractsD8 Premium allocation approachD9 Reinsurance contracts heldD10 Investment contracts with discretionary participation featuresD11 Modification of an insurance contractD12 DerecognitionD13 Primary financial statementsD14 DisclosureD15 Effective date and transition
How to use iGAAPGlossary of terms and abbreviationsEditorial team and contributorsIntroduction to Volume DRecent Changes to Deloitte Guidance in Volume DD1 What is an insurance contract?D2 Scope of IFRS 17D3 Level of aggregationD4 RecognitionD5 Measurement at initial recognitionD6 Subsequent measurementD7 Onerous contractsD8 Premium allocation approachD9 Reinsurance contracts heldD10 Investment contracts with discretionary participation featuresD11 Modification of an insurance contractD12 DerecognitionD13 Primary financial statementsD14 DisclosureD15 Effective date and transition