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SSAP 4 Accounting for government grants SSAP 5 Accounting for value added tax SSAP 9 Stocks and long-term contracts SSAP 13 Accounting for research and development SSAP 19 Accounting for investment properties SSAP 20 Foreign currency translation SSAP 21 Accounting for leases and hire purchase contracts Guidance Notes on SSAP 21 Accounting for leases and hire purchase contracts SSAP 25 Segmental reporting Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting Statement of principles for Financial Reporting: Interpretation for Public Benefit Entities
SSAP 4 Accounting for government grants SSAP 5 Accounting for value added tax SSAP 9 Stocks and long-term contracts SSAP 13 Accounting for research and development SSAP 19 Accounting for investment properties SSAP 20 Foreign currency translation SSAP 21 Accounting for leases and hire purchase contracts Guidance Notes on SSAP 21 Accounting for leases and hire purchase contracts SSAP 25 Segmental reporting Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting Statement of principles for Financial Reporting: Interpretation for Public Benefit Entities