AAOIFI statement on COVID-19 accounting implications for Islamic financial institutions
22 May 2020
The Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions
(AAOIFI) has published a statement 'Accounting implications of the impact of
COVID-19 pandemic'.
The objective of the statement is to provide clarifications to Islamic financial
institutions for the application of AAOIFI financial accounting standards (FASs) and
the AAOIFI's Conceptual Framework considering certain pertinent issues arising due
to economic factors and regulatory interventions in the wake of the COVID-19
pandemic. AAOIFI is of the view that the FASs are robust and flexible enough to
address the challenges posed by the prevalent uncertainty in the environment, but
emphasises that institutions are encouraged to provide additional disclosures on
voluntary basis to enable the users of the financial statements to better understand
the financial position and performance of the institutions.
Please click to access the statement on the AAOIFI website.