DART iGAAP Homepage
Welcome to DART
DART’s features include:
- The ability to add comments to paragraphs and save for future access.
- Highlighting, which allows you to save highlights on sections of content for future reference.
- Enhanced search filtering to narrow search results by region, content type, and content providers.
- Save search, which allows you to save and manage searches for future use.
- My Reading List, which contains links and bookmarks for easier access to materials that you refer to frequently.
- Responsive design for enhanced viewing on tablets and other mobile devices.
- Customisation preferences associated with your log-in credentials, ensuring a seamless experience on all your devices.
- A live feed of accounting-related news items reported on Deloitte’s IASPlus Web site.
What does DART contain?
DART is accessible and searchable by anyone on the Internet. Much of its content
is available for free, including all Deloitte-authored newsletters. However,
only subscribers have access to its customization features as well as its
premium content, which includes:
- The IFRS Standards and related IASB literature.
- Deloitte’s interpretive guidance on IFRS Standards, integrated directly into the authoritative literature.