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June 2, 2016 — SEC Adopts Interim Final Rule That Permits Optional Hyperlinked Summary in Form 10-K

Accounting Journal Entry

SEC Adopts Interim Final Rule That Permits Optional Hyperlinked Summary in Form 10-K

June 2, 2016 — In response to requirements mandated by the FAST Act,1 the SEC yesterday adopted an interim final rule2 that permits, but does not require, registrants to submit in Form 10-K a summary section that contains hyperlinks to related disclosures in other parts of the filing. The rule, which is principles-based, adds “Item 16 — Form 10-K Summary” to Part IV of Form 10-K and gives registrants the flexibility to determine the summary’s length and location in Form 10-K as well as which disclosures to include in it. The rule will become effective when published in the Federal Register.
