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CFO Insights

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As Private Credit Goes More Mainstream, Some CFOs May Have Questions (February 2025) Power to the People: Why CFOs May Want to Dramatically Rethink Their Management Style (January 2025)How CFOs Can Make the Most of Cost Optimization (November 2024)How CFOs Can Use Sustainability Data to Earn Investor Trust (October 2024)Legacy Systems: Why Companies Need a Formal CFO Succession Plan (August 2024)How Indecision Can Put CFOs at a Disadvantage (July 2024)What’s the Deal With the M&A Market? (May 2024)The CFO Agenda (April 2024)Taking Inventory: Reasons for CFOs and CPOs to Partner (March 2024)As Office Vacancies Mount, Commercial Real Estate CFOs Dig In (February 2024)Spotlighting the Best of CFO Insights, 2023 (December 2023)For CFOs, Time to Gather Intelligence on GenAI (December 2023)Change of Mind: What CFOs Can Learn From Sport Psychology (November 2023)For CFOs, Enhancing Supply Chain Performance May Be a Matter of Trust (October 2023)Please Consider the Environment: Why Decarbonization Belongs in Capital Allocation Conversations (September 2023)Transaction Heroes: How CFOs Can Position Their Companies for a Possible M&A Revival (September 2023)The Incalculable Potential — and Potential Pitfalls — of the Quantified Organization (August 2023)Treasury Hunting: Why Now Might Be the Time for CFOs to Search for Improvements in the Treasury Function (August 2023) The Human Touch — How CFOs Can Support a Culture of Well-Being (July 2023)New Asset Class? Why PE Firms Should Consider Investing in Their Own Finance Departments (July 2023)Rethinking the Value Equation: How CFOs Can Catalyze Value Creation for a Broader Group of Stakeholders (June 2023)Environmental Impact: How Finance Leaders Can Add Value to Sustainability Efforts (June 2023)Paved With Intention: A Path to Getting Financial Value Out of Digital Transformation (May 2023)Now’s the Time for CFOs to Seize the Data (May 2023)The CFO Agenda (April 2023)Managing Execution Risks in Transformations: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (April 2023)For Finance Leaders, Promoting a Culture of Cash Could Make Sense (March 2023)For Newly Hired CFOs, Building a Sturdy Talent Framework May Take Seven Pillars (February 2023)Globalization Isn't Going Anywhere (February 2023)How ESG Disclosures May Expand the Nature of the CFO's Role (January 2023)What Audit Committees Really Want From CFOs (December 2022)What CFOs Can Do to Help Their Controllers’ Role Keep Growing (December 2022)Are You Ready to Make the Switch to Lights Out Finance? (November 2022)For CFOs, the Full Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act is Still Coming Into Focus (November 2022)Getting Ahead: How CFOs Can Align Minds and Machines to Reinvent Forecasting (October 2022)How CFOs Can Learn the Ins and Outs of the Hybrid Work Model (October 2022)Sarbanes-Oxley at 20: For CFOs, It May Be Time for a Refreshing Experience (September 2022)Steps CFOs Can Take to Find Reliable Metrics for Tracking Well-Being (August 2022)How CFOs Can Rise to Meet the Challenge of Soaring Inflation (August 2022)Why CFOs Are Moving Toward a More Dynamic Finance Function (July 2022)Why the Russia-Ukraine War May Finally Drive CFOs to Reconfigure Battered Supply Chains (July 2022)How CFOs Can Make Their IT Inheritance Less Taxing (June 2022)You Have Just Inherited IT, Now What? Ten Considerations to Help Shape Your Priorities (May 2022)Done Deals: How Companies Can Make M&A a Winning Growth Strategy (May 2022)Why Trust Should Be One of Your Key Performance Indicators (April 2022)The CFO Agenda (March 2022)Resilience: How Finance Leaders Can Bounce Up to Their Highest Potential (March 2022)The Art of Agile: Success Factors in Building an Adaptive Business (February 2022)Future Scenarios: Are CFOs Too Worried About Inflation — or Not Worried Enough? (February 2022)Seize the DEI: How CFOs Can Help Implement Strategies Around Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (January 2022)Provoking the Future: How CFOs Can Take Action to Illuminate Uncertainty (January 2022)Welcome to the “No Normal”: Exploring the Transformation Myth (November 2021)Capital Allocation: Is It Time for a Refresh? (October 2021)Finance 2025: Looking Ahead With the Benefit of Hindsight (October 2021)Targeting Procurement: Why CFOs Should Take Direct Aim at Indirect Spend (September 2021)Return Trip: How Companies Are Rethinking Travel for the Long Term (August 2021)Zero Trust: In the Face of Escalating Cyber-Attacks, Companies Target a New Level of Security (August 2021)Is Rising Corporate Debt a Problem? Not Necessarily (August 2021)For CFOs, Putting Well-Being to Work Can Offer Healthy Returns (July 2021)Hiring on All Cylinders: What Companies Want From a Post-Pandemic CFO (July 2021)Intelligence Gathering — Bringing AI Technology Into Strategic Planning (June 2021)The Agile Advantage Moving Transformations From Unknowns to Outcomes (May 2021)Group Dynamics How Can You Fix a Dysfunctional Team? (May 2021)Making Change: Should Bitcoin Be on Your Balance Sheet? (April 2021)Charting a New Course for Controllers in the Post-Pandemic World (April 2021)From Controlling to Coaching: How Will You Lead in an Age of Turbulence? (April 2021)Supply Chain Risks: How to Identify and Mitigate Your Weakest Links (March 2021)From Endless Winter to New Dawn: What Might a Post-COVID-19 Economy Look Like? (February 2021)Believe It: Why Trust May Be the New Driver of Enterprise Value (February 2021)Digital RMB: Assessing the Benefits — and Challenges — of China’s New Currency (January 2021)Mastering Data for Better Insights — And Competitive Advantage (January 2021)