Accounting Research Tool
Appendix A — Fair Value Disclosure Requirements of Other Codification Topics

A.16 ASC 715, Compensation — Retirement Benefits

A.16 ASC 715, Compensation — Retirement Benefits

ASC 715-20
Disclosures by Public Entities
50-1 An employer that sponsors one or more defined benefit pension plans or one or more defined benefit other postretirement plans shall provide the following information, separately for pension plans and other postretirement benefit plans. Amounts related to the employer’s results of operations shall be disclosed for each period for which a statement of income is presented. Amounts related to the employer’s statement of financial position shall be disclosed as of the date of each statement of financial position presented. All of the following shall be disclosed: . . .
b. A reconciliation of beginning and ending balances of the fair value of plan assets showing separately, if applicable, the effects during the period attributable to each of the following:
  1. Actual return on plan assets
  2. Foreign currency exchange rate changes (see (a)(5))
  3. Contributions by the employer
  4. Contributions by plan participants
  5. Benefits paid
  6. Business combinations
  7. Divestitures
  8. Settlements. . . .
d. The objectives of the disclosures about postretirement benefit plan assets are to provide users of financial statements with an understanding of:
  1. How investment allocation decisions are made, including the factors that are pertinent to an understanding of investment policies and strategies
  2. The classes of plan assets
  3. The inputs and valuation techniques used to measure the fair value of plan assets
  4. The effect of fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) on changes in plan assets for the period
  5. Significant concentrations of risk within plan assets.
    An employer shall consider those overall objectives in providing the following information about plan assets:
    1. A narrative description of investment policies and strategies, including target allocation percentages or range of percentages considering the classes of plan assets disclosed pursuant to (ii) below, as of the latest statement of financial position presented (on a weighted-average basis for employers with more than one plan), and other factors that are pertinent to an understanding of those policies and strategies such as investment goals, risk management practices, permitted and prohibited investments including the use of derivatives, diversification, and the relationship between plan assets and benefit obligations. For investment funds disclosed as classes as described in (ii) below, a description of the significant investment strategies of those funds shall be provided.
    2. The fair value of each class of plan assets as of each date for which a statement of financial position is presented. For additional guidance on determining appropriate classes of plan assets, see paragraph 820-10-50-2B. Examples of classes of assets could include, but are not limited to, the following: cash and cash equivalents; equity securities (segregated by industry type, company size, or investment objective); debt securities issued by national, state, and local governments; corporate debt securities; asset-backed securities; structured debt; derivatives on a gross basis (segregated by type of underlying risk in the contract, for example, interest rate contracts, foreign exchange contracts, equity contracts, commodity contracts, credit contracts, and other contracts); investment funds (segregated by type of fund); and real estate. Those examples are not meant to be all inclusive. An employer should consider the overall objectives in paragraph 715-20-50-1(d)(1) through (5) in determining whether additional classes of plan assets or further disaggregation of classes should be disclosed. If an employer determines the measurement date of plan assets in accordance with paragraph 715-30-35-63A or 715-60-35-123A and the employer contributes assets to the plan between the measurement date and its fiscal year-end, the employer shall not adjust the fair value of each class of plan assets for the effects of the contribution. Instead, the employer shall disclose the amount of the contribution to permit reconciliation of the total fair value of all the classes of plan assets to the ending balance of the fair value of plan assets. For example, the contribution could be disclosed as follows:
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    3. A narrative description of the basis used to determine the overall expected long-term rate-of-return-on-assets assumption, such as the general approach used, the extent to which the overall rate-of-return-on-assets assumption was based on historical returns, the extent to which adjustments were made to those historical returns in order to reflect expectations of future returns, and how those adjustments were determined. The description should consider the classes of assets as described in (ii) above, as appropriate.
    4. Information that enables users of financial statements to assess the inputs and valuation techniques used to develop fair value measurements of plan assets at the reporting date. For fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs, an employer shall disclose the effect of the measurements on changes in plan assets for the period. To meet those objectives, the employer shall disclose the following information for each class of plan assets disclosed pursuant to (ii) above for each annual period:
      01. The level of the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurements are categorized in their entirety, segregating fair value measurements using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1), significant other observable inputs (Level 2), and significant unobservable inputs (Level 3). The guidance in paragraphs 820-10-35-37 through 35-37A is applicable. Investments for which fair value is measured using the net asset value per share (or its equivalent) practical expedient in paragraph 820-10-35-59 shall not be categorized within the fair value hierarchy, as noted by paragraph 820-10-35-54B. If an employer determines the measurement date of plan assets in accordance with paragraph 715-30-35-63A or 715-60-35-123A and the employer contributes assets to the plan between the measurement date and its fiscal year-end, the employer shall not adjust the fair value of each class of plan assets for the effects of the contribution. Instead, the employer shall disclose the amount of the contribution to permit reconciliation of the total fair value of all plan assets in the fair value hierarchy to the ending balance of the fair value of plan assets. For example, the contribution could be disclosed as follows:
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      02. For fair value measurements of plan assets using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3), a reconciliation from the opening balances to the closing balances, disclosing separately changes during the period attributable to the following:
      A. Actual Return on Plan Assets (Component of Net Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost) or Actual Return on Plan Assets (Component of Net Periodic Pension Cost), separately identifying the amount related to assets still held at the reporting date and the amount related to assets sold during the period
      B. Purchases, sales, and settlements, net
      C. The amounts of any transfers into or out of Level 3 (for example, transfers due to changes in the observability of significant inputs).
      03. Information about the valuation technique(s) and inputs used to measure fair value and a discussion of changes in valuation techniques and inputs, if any, during the period. . . .
Entities (Public and Nonpublic) With Two or More Plans
50-2 The disclosures required by this Subtopic shall be aggregated for all of an employer’s defined benefit pension plans and for all of an employer’s other defined benefit postretirement plans unless disaggregating in groups is considered to provide useful information or is otherwise required by the following paragraph and paragraph 715-20-50-4.
50-3 If aggregate disclosures are presented, an employer shall disclose, as of the date of each statement of financial position presented, both of the following:
  1. For pension plans, the projected benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets for plans with projected benefit obligations in excess of plan assets, and the accumulated benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets for plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets
  2. For other postretirement benefit plans, the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation and fair value of plan assets for plans with accumulated postretirement benefit obligations in excess of plan assets.
50-4 A U.S. reporting entity may combine disclosures about pension plans or other postretirement benefit plans outside the United States with those for U.S. plans unless the benefit obligations of the plans outside the United States are significant relative to the total benefit obligation and those plans use significantly different assumptions. A foreign reporting entity that prepares financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) shall apply the preceding guidance to its domestic and foreign plans.
Disclosures by Nonpublic Entities
50-5 A nonpublic entity is not required to disclose the information required by paragraph 715-20-50-1(a) through (c), 715-20-50-1(h), 715-20-50-1(o) through (q), and 715-20-50-1(r)(2). A nonpublic entity that sponsors one or more defined benefit pension plans or one or more other defined benefit postretirement plans shall provide all of the following information, separately for pension plans and other postretirement benefit plans. Amounts related to the employer’s results of operations shall be disclosed for each period for which a statement of income is presented. Amounts related to the employer’s statement of financial position shall be disclosed as of the date of each statement of financial position presented.
a. The benefit obligation, fair value of plan assets, and funded status of the plan. . . .
c. The objectives of the disclosures about postretirement benefit plan assets are to provide users of financial statements with an understanding of:
1. How investment allocation decisions are made, including the factors that are pertinent to an understanding of investment policies and strategies
2. The classes of plan assets
3. The inputs and valuation techniques used to measure the fair value of plan assets
4. The effect of fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) on changes in plan assets for the period
5. Significant concentrations of risk within plan assets.
An employer shall consider those overall objectives in providing the following information about plan assets:
i. A narrative description of investment policies and strategies, including target allocation percentages or range of percentages considering the classes of plan assets disclosed pursuant to (ii) below, as of the latest statement of financial position presented (on a weighted-average basis for employers with more than one plan), and other factors that are pertinent to an understanding of those policies and strategies such as investment goals, risk management practices, permitted and prohibited investments including the use of derivatives, diversification, and the relationship between plan assets and benefit obligations. For investment funds disclosed as classes as described in (ii) below, a description of the significant investment strategies of those funds shall be provided.
ii. The fair value of each class of plan assets as of each date for which a statement of financial position is presented. For additional guidance on determining appropriate classes of plan assets, see paragraph 820-10-50-2B. Examples of classes of assets could include, but are not limited to, the following: cash and cash equivalents; equity securities (segregated by industry type, company size, or investment objective); debt securities issued by national, state, and local governments; corporate debt securities; asset-backed securities; structured debt; derivatives on a gross basis (segregated by type of underlying risk in the contract, for example, interest rate contracts, foreign exchange contracts, equity contracts, commodity contracts, credit contracts, and other contracts); investment funds (segregated by type of fund); and real estate. Those examples are not meant to be all inclusive. An employer should consider the overall objectives in paragraph 715-20-50-5(c)(1) through (5) in determining whether additional classes of plan assets or further disaggregation of classes should be disclosed. If an employer determines the measurement date of plan assets in accordance with paragraph 715-30-35-63A or 715-60-35-123A and the employer contributes assets to the plan between the measurement date and its fiscal year-end, the employer shall not adjust the fair value of each class of plan assets for the effects of the contribution. Instead, the employer shall disclose the amount of the contribution to permit reconciliation of the total fair value of all the classes of plan assets to the ending balance of the fair value of plan assets. For example, the contribution could be disclosed as follows:
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iii. A narrative description of the basis used to determine the overall expected long-term rate-of-return-on-assets assumption, such as the general approach used, the extent to which the overall rate-of-return-on-assets assumption was based on historical returns, the extent to which adjustments were made to those historical returns in order to reflect expectations of future returns, and how those adjustments were determined. The description should consider the classes of assets described in (ii) above, as appropriate.
iv. Information that enables users of financial statements to assess the inputs and valuation techniques used to develop fair value measurements of plan assets at the reporting date. For fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs, an employer shall disclose the effect of the measurements on changes in plan assets for the period. To meet those objectives, the employer shall disclose the following information for each class of plan assets disclosed pursuant to (ii) above for each annual period:
01. The level of the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurements are categorized in their entirety, segregating fair value measurements using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1), significant other observable inputs (Level 2), and significant unobservable inputs (Level 3). The guidance in paragraphs 820-10-35-37 through 35-37A is applicable. Investments for which fair value is measured using the net asset value per share (or its equivalent) practical expedient in paragraph 820-10-35-59 shall not be categorized within the fair value hierarchy, as noted by paragraph 820-10-35-54B. If an employer determines the measurement date of plan assets in accordance with paragraph 715-30-35-63A or 715-60-35-123A and the employer contributes assets to the plan between the measurement date and its fiscal year-end, the employer shall not adjust the fair value of each class of plan assets for the effects of the contribution. Instead, the employer shall disclose the amount of the contribution to permit reconciliation of the total fair value of all plan assets in the fair value hierarchy to the ending balance of the fair value of plan assets. For example, the contribution could be disclosed as follows:
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02. For fair value measurements of plan assets using significant unobservable inputs (Level 3), the amounts of purchases and any transfers into or out of Level 3 (for example, transfers due to changes in the observability of significant inputs), disclosed separately. . . .
03. Information about the valuation technique(s) and inputs used to measure fair value and a discussion of changes in valuation techniques and inputs, if any, during the period. . . .