Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 10 — Key Differences Between U.S. GAAP and IFRS Accounting Standards — Foreign Currency

10.1 Overview

10.1 Overview


While neither U.S. GAAP nor IFRS Accounting Standards contain explicit guidance on the mechanics of the consolidation process for multitiered organizations, differing interpretations have emerged regarding the determination of CTA. Two of the approaches that have emerged for translating the financial results of multitiered organizations are as follows:
  • Step-by-step method — Under this method, the financial results of each foreign entity (operation) would first be translated into the functional currency of its intermediate parent, which would in turn be translated into the functional currency of its intermediate parent (if any). Ultimately, the financial results of the foreign entity (operation) would be translated into the reporting (presentation) currency of the consolidated reporting entity.
  • Direct method — Under this method, the financial results of a foreign entity (operation) are directly translated into the reporting (presentation) currency of the consolidated reporting entity.