16.2 Considerations Related to Applying Transition Guidance
ASC 842 requires all entities to apply the modified retrospective approach. The determination of lease
balances under this approach is generally based on the remaining lease payments and discount rate
as of the date of initial application. Under the full retrospective approach (which is not permitted),
by contrast, lease balances would be determined as of lease commencement and rolled forward. In
addition, an entity may elect various transition-related accounting policies under ASC 842, which could
affect its comparability to other entities.
Specifically, ASC 842 offers relief from implementing the transition provisions by permitting an entity
(lessee or lessor) to elect not to reassess:
- Whether any expired or existing contract is or contains a lease.
- The lease classification of any expired or existing leases.
- Initial direct costs for any existing leases.
An entity that elects this transition relief (i.e.,
the “practical expedient package”) is required to adopt all three relief provisions
and is prohibited from applying the relief on a lease-by-lease basis. In addition,
the entity must disclose that it has elected the practical expedient package.
Separately, the entity is also allowed to use hindsight in evaluating the lease term
(e.g., renewal, termination, and purchase options for existing leases) and
impairment of the ROU asset. As a result, when preparing for transition, entities
must consider the following transition and accounting policy elections:
Transition Elections
(Entity-Wide for All Leases)
Accounting Policy
Connecting the Dots
Considerations Related to Selecting Expedients and Accounting
As companies prepare to implement ASU 2016-02 and assess its impact, the
appropriateness to their organization of policies
related to practical expedients may continue to
evolve. For example, although the practical
expedient package may be an efficient manner of
adopting the standard, an entity that elects this
package may miss the opportunity to reassess
whether a lease under ASC 840 would be outside the
scope of ASC 842. In addition, some may find the
income statement presentation of a finance lease
to be more favorable than that of an operating
lease and therefore may wish to assess lease
classification under ASC 842. We recommend that
companies work with various stakeholders at their
organizations (e.g., accounting, finance, real
estate, and IT professionals, as well as the audit
committee) to determine the impact and
costs/benefits of the above elections for each
stakeholder. Further, companies should consider
discussing the impact of the elections with their
professional advisers.
Hindsight Expedient May Increase Complexity
While the hindsight practical expedient only applies to
lease term and impairment considerations (see Section 16.5.1), we believe that the
expedient could make adoption more complex given that both of these matters
affect other aspects of lease accounting.