Global Reach of the E.U. Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the Impact on U.S. Companies
New sustainability reporting requirements in the European Union, which will affect
U.S.-based companies with E.U. operations and are much broader than those proposed
in the United States, are set to fundamentally change the reporting landscape. In
November 2022, the European Council (EC) and the European Parliament approved the
final text of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
(CSRD), which will require sustainability reporting far beyond what most companies
provide today and will apply to a substantial number of companies that previously
were not subject to mandatory sustainability reporting.
The CSRD will affect not only E.U.-based companies, but all companies with
significant operations in E.U. jurisdictions, including U.S.-based companies with as
little as one subsidiary or branch in the European Union. Many U.S.-based companies,
including certain nonlisted ones, will be subject to these European sustainability
reporting requirements, whose implementation period could be more accelerated, and
whose reporting and assurance provisions could be more expansive, than what the
SEC’s proposed rule1 on climate-related disclosures would require.
Scope of the CSRD
The adoption of the CSRD, coupled with the supporting European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS),
introduces more detailed sustainability reporting requirements for more than 50,000
companies. The scope of the CSRD is much wider than that of the existing
Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and extends to certain non-E.U. companies
or subsidiaries not listed on a regulated market in the European Union, covering:
- E.U. large undertakings, also referred to as “companies” or
“subsidiaries” (whether listed or not), which are defined as undertakings
that meet at least two of the following criteria on their balance sheet
- Greater than €20 million balance sheet total.
- Greater than €40 million net turnover.
- Greater than 250 employees.
- Companies with listed securities in the European Union,3 including small4 and medium-sized5 undertakings (“small and medium-sized enterprises,” or SMEs), other than micro-undertakings.
The above scope includes large subsidiaries of non-E.U. parents (i.e., all E.U.
companies are subject to these criteria regardless of the origins or domicile of
their ownership).
Exemption for Subsidiaries of a Non-E.U. Parent
Subsidiaries of a non-E.U. parent are exempt from disclosing information under
the CSRD if (1) the parent reports under ESRS or standards that the EC
deems to be equivalent and (2) the assurance statement or
conclusion on the consolidated sustainability reporting is publicly available.
However, the parent’s reporting at the consolidated level must provide an
adequate understanding of the risks and impacts of its subsidiaries, as well as
information about the subsidiaries’ due diligence processes, when such risks,
impacts, and due diligence processes differ from those of the group.
An exempted subsidiary will be required to disclose certain information about its
use of the exemption.
Requirements for Non-E.U. Companies That Are Not Listed on a Regulated Market in the European Union
For financial years starting on January 1, 2028, E.U. large and listed
subsidiaries (or branches, when there are no E.U. large or listed subsidiaries)
of a non-E.U. ultimate parent that have more than €40 million net turnover will
need to publish and make accessible a sustainability report of that parent at
the consolidated level if that parent has generated a net turnover in the
European Union of more than €150 million in each of the last two financial
years. This means that a U.S. company with significant operations in the
European Union will, in effect, be required to furnish the information to be
included in a published sustainability report covering its entire
operations, including its E.U. as well as non-E.U. operations.
The sustainability report communicated by an E.U. subsidiary or branch is to be
prepared in accordance with the sustainability reporting standards for
non-E.U. companies that the EC is expected to adopt by June 30,
2024. These standards will be different from ESRS. There will also be the option
to report in accordance with ESRS or standards that are deemed to be
Connecting the Dots
The CSRD indicates that (1) the sustainability report would need to
provide consolidated information of the non-E.U. ultimate parent at the
non-E.U. ultimate parent level and (2) the E.U. subsidiary or branch
would be required to use its best efforts to obtain the information
necessary to issue the report. This would appear to bring the whole of
the non-E.U. parent and its worldwide operations within the scope of the
CSRD. However, the E.U. subsidiary or branch of the non-E.U. parent will
be the party responsible for publishing the sustainability report of the
non-E.U. parent.
Required Disclosures
Companies within the scope of the CSRD are required to disclose:
- Information on sustainability matters.
- Information necessary to understand:
- The company’s impacts on sustainability matters.
- How sustainability matters affect the company’s development, performance, and position.
The CSRD requires disclosure from a “double materiality” perspective, meaning that a
company must report how sustainability risks and opportunities affect its financial
performance, position, and development (financial perspective) as well as how the
company’s performance, position, and development affect people and the environment
(impact perspective). The CSRD specifies that companies should consider each
materiality perspective in its own right and disclose information that is material
from the financial perspective, the impact perspective, or both.
European Sustainability Reporting Standards
To encourage companies to disclose
comparable and reliable information on all material sustainability-related topics,
the CSRD requires companies within its scope to use ESRS that specify the
information to be reported and, when relevant, the structure in which that
information should be reported. To support this requirement, the EC will adopt the
The EC has commissioned the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) with
the development of ESRS. Under this mandate, EFRAG launched a public consultation in April 2022 on the first set
of draft standards developed by its Project Task Force on ESRS. The consultation
period ended on August 8, 2022.
On November 15, 2022, the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board approved the revised
ESRS drafts and submitted them to the EC for formal approval. The EC will consult
E.U. bodies and member states on the 12 approved ESRS drafts before final ESRS
drafts are adopted as delegated acts by June 30, 2023. Until this time, they will be
referred to as “draft” ESRS.
The approved ESRS drafts are as
Standards Deemed to Be Equivalent
The EC still needs to decide on the equivalence of sustainability reporting standards
used by non-E.U. companies, such as U.S. parent companies. If the EC decides that
the sustainability reporting standards of a third country are not equivalent, it may
nonetheless allow the issuers to continue using such standards during an appropriate
transitional period. This exemption only applies to non-E.U. companies with
securities listed on a regulated market in the European Union.
It is important to note that the disclosure requirements of the ESRS
are extensive, with an estimated 84 disclosure requirements covering both
quantitative and qualitative disclosures, and go beyond what the SEC’s proposed rule
on climate-related disclosures would require. Therefore, it is likely that the
SEC’s proposed rule, when finalized, will not be eligible for such equivalence,
given its more narrow focus on climate-related disclosures and its emphasis on
investor materiality rather than double materiality as required by the
For standards to be deemed equivalent, they will most likely need to:
- Take a double materiality perspective consistent with that of the CSRD so that the risks and opportunities to the company and the impacts of the company represent separate materiality perspectives.
- Require disclosure of sustainability matters.
- Require disclosure of information necessary to understand the company’s impacts on sustainability matters and how sustainability matters affect the company’s development, performance, and position.
Location of Disclosures
The CSRD requires disclosure of sustainability information in a clearly identifiable
dedicated section of the management report within the annual report.
Digitization of Information
The CSRD requires companies to digitally tag reported sustainability information in
accordance with a digital taxonomy yet to be developed. Companies will therefore be
required to prepare their financial statements and their management report in
eXtensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML)6 and to mark up the sustainability reporting to make it easier for readers of
the report to find the information they are seeking.
Independent Assurance
The CSRD requires all companies within its scope to seek limited
assurance of sustainability reporting. The EC will perform an assessment to
determine whether moving from limited to reasonable assurance is feasible for
auditors and for companies. After this assessment, the EC will adopt assurance
standards for reasonable assurance no later than October 1, 2028.
The assurance provider will provide an assurance report containing a conclusion on
compliance with sustainability reporting standards. The report is to include (1) a
description of the process used to reach this conclusion, (2) required electronic
tagging, and (3) specific disclosures required under certain other E.U. legislation.
Illustrative Timeline and Impact on U.S. Companies
The impact of the CSRD’s timeline on
U.S. companies and certain of their subsidiaries is illustrated below.
What may be deemed “equivalent” is yet to be
determined by the EC, which may also exempt non-E.U. listed
companies for a transitional period.
May also present E.U. subsidiaries with a common
non-E.U. parent that are within the scope of the CSRD in one
consolidated E.U. report under ESRS (until 2029).
Considerations for U.S.-Based Companies With Significant Operations in E.U. Countries
U.S.-based companies with significant operations in E.U. countries should consider
the following questions:
- Have you evaluated how your organization will be affected by the CSRD and supporting ESRS requirements?
- Have you performed an assessment comparing your company’s currently established material sustainability topics with the CSRD’s double-materiality requirements?
- Do you have data processes and controls in place to be able
to report the required sustainability information? Keep in mind that while
the CSRD implementation date for many U.S.-based companies may be a few
years out, the CSRD will:
- Require the company to pull into the financial reporting cycle sustainability reporting that is much more comprehensive than that on climate and greenhouse gas emissions under the SEC’s proposed rule on climate-related disclosures.
- Subject this more comprehensive sustainability reporting subject matter to limited assurance upon implementation.
Where to Find Additional Information
The following Deloitte resources may help companies assess their approach to
climate-related disclosures:
- ESG Financial Reporting (a Web page that lists financial reporting resources for dealing with climate-related and other ESG matters).
- Defining the Role of the Audit Committee in Overseeing ESG.
For information about Deloitte’s
service offerings related to ESG matters, please contact:
Kristen Sullivan
Deloitte & Touche
+1 203 708 4593
Lauren Pesa
Deloitte & Touche
+1 312 486 4647
Allie Bruflodt
Senior Manager
Deloitte & Touche
+1 612 397 4172
Michelle Risman
Deloitte & Touche
+1 312 482 2974
Kyle Boyce
Deloitte & Touche
+1 415 783 4092
SEC Proposed Rule Release No. 33-11042, The Enhancement and
Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors.
The CSRD refers to the E.U. Accounting Directive for
the size criteria, which are therefore unchanged.
More specifically, undertakings with securities (may
be shares or bonds) admitted to trading on a regulated market in the
European Union. The same definition applies to non-E.U. undertakings
(referred to as “third-country undertakings”).
Small undertakings are defined as undertakings that
meet at least two of the following criteria: (1) no greater than €4
million balance sheet total, (2) no greater than €8 million net
turnover, and (3) no greater than 50 employees.
Medium-sized undertakings are defined as
undertakings that do not qualify as small and that meet at least two
of the following criteria: (1) no greater than €20 million balance
sheet total, (2) no greater than €40 million net turnover, and (3)
no greater than 250 employees.
XHTML is a human-readable format that can be opened in a standard Web
What may be deemed “equivalent” is yet to be
determined by the EC, which may also exempt non-E.U. listed
companies for a transitional period.
May also present E.U. subsidiaries with a common
non-E.U. parent that are within the scope of the CSRD in one
consolidated E.U. report under ESRS (until 2029).