Appendix C — Titles of Standards and Other Literature
SEC Literature
Codified Financial Reporting Release
Section 506.02(c)(ii), “Business to Be Acquired and Other
Transactions Not Yet Consummated”
Final Rule Releases
No. 33-8879, Acceptance From Foreign Private Issuers of
Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance With International Financial
Reporting Standards Without Reconciliation to U.S. GAAP
No. 33-10786, Amendments to Financial Disclosures About
Acquired and Disposed Businesses
No. 33-11265, Special Purpose Acquisition Companies,
Shell Companies, and Projections
No. 33-11275, The Enhancement and Standardization of
Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
Financial Reporting Manual
Topic 2, “Other Financial Statements Required”
Topic 10, “Emerging Growth Companies”
Industry Guide
No. 5, “Preparation of Registration Statements Relating to
Interests in Real Estate Limited Partnerships”
Regulation C
Rule 417, “Date of Financial Statements”
Rule 462, “Immediate Effectiveness of Certain Registration
Statements and Post-Effective Amendments”
Regulation S-K
Item 512, “Registration Statement and Prospectus Provisions;
- Item 512(a), “Rule 415 Offering”
Item 901, “Roll-Up Transactions; Definitions”
Regulation S-X
Rule 1-02, “Definitions of Terms Used in Regulation S-X (17
CFR part 210)”
- Rule 1-02(l), “Foreign Business”
- Rule 1-02(w), “Significant Subsidiary”
Rule 3-01, “Consolidated Balance Sheets”
Rule 3-02, “Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
and Cash Flows”
Rule 3-04, “Changes in Stockholders’ Equity and
Noncontrolling Interests”
Rule 3-05, “Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired or
to Be Acquired”
- Rule 3-05(a), “Financial Statements Required”
- Rule 3-05(b), “Periods to Be Presented”
- Rule 3-05(c), “Financial Statements of a Foreign Business”
- Rule 3-05(e), “Financial Statements for Net Assets That Constitute a Business”
- Rule 3-05(f), “Financial Statements of a Business That Includes Oil and Gas Producing Activities”
Rule 3-06, “Financial Statements Covering a Period of Nine
to Twelve Months”
Rule 3-09, “Separate Financial Statements of Subsidiaries
Not Consolidated and 50 Percent or Less Owned Persons”
Rule 3-12, “Age of Financial Statements at Effective Date of
Registration Statement or at Mailing Date of Proxy Statement”
Rule 3-13, “Filing of Other Financial Statements in Certain
Rule 3-14, “Special Instructions for Financial Statements of
Real Estate Operations Acquired or to Be Acquired”
- Rule 3-14(a), “Financial Statements Required”
- Rule 3-14(b), “Periods to Be Presented”
- Rule 3-14(c), “Presentation of the Financial Statements”
Rule 3-18, “Special Provisions as to Registered Management
Investment Companies and Companies Required to Be Registered as Management
Investment Companies”
Rule 4-08, “General Notes to the Financial Statements”
- Rule 4-08(g), “Summarized Financial Information of Subsidiaries Not Consolidated and 50 Percent or Less Owned Persons”
Rule 4-10(a), “Financial Accounting and Reporting for Oil
and Gas Producing Activities Pursuant to the Federal Securities Laws and the
Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975; Definitions”
Article 5, “Commercial and Industrial Companies”
- Rule 5-02, “Balance Sheets”
- Rule 5-03, “Statements of Comprehensive Income”
Article 8, “Financial Statements of Smaller Reporting
- Rule 8-04, “Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired or to Be Acquired”
Article 10, “Interim Financial Statements”
Article 11, “Pro Forma Financial Information”
- Rule 11-01, “Presentation Requirements”
- Rule 11-02, “Preparation Requirements”
- Rule 11-02(a), “Form and Content”
- Rule 11-02(c), “Periods to Be Presented”
- Rule 11-03, “Presentation of Financial Forecast”
Article 12, “Form and Content of Schedules: For Certain Real
Estate Companies”
Rule 13-01, “Guarantors and Issuers of Guaranteed Securities
Registered or Being Registered”
Rule 13-02, “Affiliates Whose Securities Collateralize
Securities Registered or Being Registered”
SAB Topics
No. 1.B, “Financial Statements; Allocation of Expenses and
Related Disclosure in Financial Statements of Subsidiaries, Divisions or
Lesser Business Components of Another Entity”
No. 1.M, “Financial Statements; Materiality”
No. 11.M, "Miscellaneous Disclosure; Disclosure of the
Impact That Recently Issued Accounting Standards Will Have on the Financial
Statements of the Registrant When Adopted in a Future Period" (SAB
Securities Act of 1933
Rule 144, “Persons Deemed Not to Be Engaged in a
Distribution and Therefore Not Underwriters”
Rule 145(c), “Reclassification of Securities, Mergers,
Consolidations and Acquisitions of Assets; Persons and Parties Deemed to Be
Rule 405, “Definition of Terms”
Rule 415, “Delayed or Continuous Offering and Sale of
Rule 424, “Filing of Prospectuses, Number of Copies”
Rule 462, “Immediate Effectiveness of Certain Registration
Statements and Post-Effective Amendments”
Section 10, “Information Required in Prospectus”
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Rule 12b-2, “Definitions”
Rule 13e-3, “Going Private Transactions by Certain Issuers
or Their Affiliates”
Section 12(b), “Registration Requirements for Securities;
Procedure for Registration; Information”
Section 13, “Periodical and Other Reports”
Section 15(d), “Registration and Regulation of Brokers and
Dealers; Supplementary and Periodic Information”
AICPA Literature
Professional Standard
AU-C Section 805, “Special Considerations — Audits of Single
Financial Statement and Specific Elements, Accounts, or Items of a Financial
Statement” (AICPA SAS 122)
FASB Literature
ASC Topics
ASC 205, Presentation of Financial Statements
ASC 250, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections
ASC 260, Earnings per Share
ASC 280, Segment Reporting
ASC 323, Investments — Equity Method and Joint Ventures
ASC 420, Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations
ASC 450, Contingencies
ASC 606, Revenue From Contracts With Customers
ASC 715, Compensation — Retirement Benefits
ASC 805, Business Combinations
ASC 810, Consolidation
ASC 842, Leases
ASC 855, Subsequent Events
ASC 932, Extractive Activities — Oil and Gas
ASU 2019-10, Financial Instruments — Credit Losses (Topic
326), Derivatives and Hedging (Topic 815), and Leases (Topic 842):
Effective Dates
ASU 2021-08, Business Combinations (Topic 805):
Accounting for Contract Assets and Contract Liabilities From Contracts
With Customers
IFRS Literature
IFRS 1, First-Time Adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards
IFRS 8, Operating Segments