Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 8 — Accounting by the Joint Venture Before Adopting ASU 2023-05

8.3 Measurement for Initial Contribution of Nonmonetary Assets That Do Not Meet the Definition of a Business

8.3 Measurement of Initial Contribution of Nonmonetary Assets That Do Not Meet the Definition of a Business

ASC 323-10
30-2 Except as provided in the following sentence, an investor shall measure an investment in the common stock of an investee (including a joint venture) initially at cost in accordance with the guidance in Section 805-50-30. An investor shall initially measure, at fair value, the following:
  1. A retained investment in the common stock of an investee (including a joint venture) in a deconsolidation transaction in accordance with paragraphs 810-10-40-3A through 40-5
  2. An investment in the common stock of an investee (including a joint venture) recognized upon the derecognition of a distinct nonfinancial asset or distinct in substance nonfinancial asset in accordance with Subtopic 610-20.