9.2 Scope and Scope Exceptions
As noted in ASC 805-60-15-2, the guidance in ASC 805-60 (added by
ASU 2023-05) applies “to the financial statements of joint [ventures] as defined in
Section 805-60-20.”
ASC 805-60
The guidance in this Subtopic does not apply to any of the
- Transactions between a joint venture and its owners other than the formation of a joint venture
- Formations of entities determined to be not-for-profit entities in accordance with Topic 958
- Combinations between entities, businesses, or nonprofit activities under common control (see paragraph 805-50-15-6 for examples)
- Entities in the construction or extractive industries that may be proportionately consolidated by any of their investor-venturers in accordance with paragraph 810-10-45-14
- Collaborative arrangements within the scope of Topic 808, except for any part of the arrangement that is conducted in a separate legal entity that meets the definition of a joint venture.
The guidance in ASC 805-60 is intended to only apply to the formation of joint
ventures and does not alter the accounting by the venturers. The scope exceptions
noted in ASC 805-60-15-4 are generally consistent with exceptions to joint venture
accounting in accordance with ASC 323-10.