Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 5 — Application of the CECL Model to Off-Balance-Sheet Commitments, Trade and Lease Receivables, and Reinsurance Receivables

5.3 Lease Receivables

5.3 Lease Receivables

Unlike receivables arising from operating leases (see Section 2.2 for more information), net investments resulting from sales-type or direct financing leases are within the scope of ASC 326 and lessors will therefore need to determine expected credit losses for such instruments. Under ASC 840, a lessor was required to assess the net investment in a lease for impairments by assessing (1) the lease receivable in accordance with ASC 310 and (2) the unguaranteed residual asset in accordance with ASC 360. However, ASC 842 did not carry forward the dual model for assessing impairment of the net investment in the lease.
