Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 2 — Subsequent Accounting for Goodwill (After Adoption of ASU 2017-04)

2.9 Reorganization of Reporting Structure

2.9 Reorganization of Reporting Structure

ASC 350-20
35-45 When an entity reorganizes its reporting structure in a manner that changes the composition of one or more of its reporting units, the guidance in paragraphs 350-20-35-39 through 35-40 shall be used to reassign assets and liabilities to the reporting units affected. However, goodwill shall be reassigned to the reporting units affected using a relative fair value allocation approach similar to that used when a portion of a reporting unit is to be disposed of (see paragraphs 350-20-40-1 through 40-7).
35-46 For example, if existing reporting unit A is to be integrated with reporting units B, C, and D, goodwill in reporting unit A would be assigned to units B, C, and D based on the relative fair values of the three portions of reporting unit A prior to those portions being integrated with reporting units B, C, and D.