Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 3 — Goodwill Accounting Alternatives for Private Companies and NFPs

3.2 Scope of the Goodwill Accounting Alternatives

3.2 Scope of the Goodwill Accounting Alternatives

ASC 350-20
Accounting Alternatives
15-4 A private company or not-for-profit entity may make an accounting policy election to apply the accounting alternative for amortizing goodwill in this Subtopic to the following transactions or activities:
  1. Goodwill that an entity recognizes in a business combination in accordance with Subtopic 805-30 or in an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity in accordance with Subtopic 958-805 after it has been initially recognized and measured
  2. Amounts recognized as goodwill in applying the equity method of accounting in accordance with Topic 323 on investments — equity method and joint ventures, and to the excess reorganization value recognized by entities that adopt fresh-start reporting in accordance with Topic 852 on reorganizations.
Pending Content (Transition Guidance: ASC 805-60-65-1)
15-4 A private company or not-for-profit entity may make an accounting policy election to apply the accounting alternative for amortizing goodwill in this Subtopic. The guidance in the Accounting Alternatives Subsections of this Subtopic applies to the following transactions or activities:
  1. Goodwill that an entity recognizes in a business combination in accordance with Subtopic 805-30, in an acquisition by a not-for-profit entity in accordance with Subtopic 958-805, or in a joint venture formation in accordance with Subtopic 805-60 after it has been initially recognized and measured
  2. Amounts recognized as goodwill in applying the equity method of accounting in accordance with Topic 323 on investments — equity method and joint ventures, and to the excess reorganization value recognized by entities that adopt fresh-start reporting in accordance with Topic 852 on reorganizations.
15-4A A private company or not-for-profit entity may make an accounting policy election to apply the accounting alternative for a goodwill impairment triggering event evaluation to goodwill subsequently accounted for in accordance with Subtopic 350-20.
15-5 An entity within the scope of paragraph 350-20-15-4 or paragraph 350-20-15-4A that elects the accounting alternative for amortizing goodwill or the accounting alternative for goodwill impairment triggering event evaluation shall apply all of the related subsequent measurement, derecognition, other presentation matters, and disclosure requirements upon election. An accounting alternative, once elected, shall be applied to existing goodwill and to all additions to goodwill recognized in future transactions within the scope of that accounting alternative.
15-6 An entity that elects either of the accounting alternatives in this Subtopic is not required to elect or precluded from electing the other alternative.