Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 3 — Goodwill Accounting Alternatives for Private Companies and NFPs

3.5 Qualitative Assessment

3.5 Qualitative Assessment

ASC 350-20
35-67 Upon the occurrence of a triggering event, an entity may assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is more likely than not (that is, a likelihood of more than 50 percent) that the fair value of the entity (or the reporting unit) is less than its carrying amount, including goodwill. Paragraph 350-20-35-3C(a) through (g) includes examples of those qualitative factors.
35-68 Because the examples included in paragraph 350-20-35-3C(a) through (g) are not all-inclusive, an entity shall consider other relevant events and circumstances that affect the fair value or carrying amount of the entity (or of the reporting unit) in determining whether to perform the quantitative goodwill impairment test. An entity shall consider the extent to which each of the adverse events and circumstances identified could affect the comparison of its fair value with its carrying amount (or of the reporting unit’s fair value with the reporting unit’s carrying amount). An entity should place more weight on the events and circumstances that most affect its fair value or the carrying amount of its net assets (or the reporting unit’s fair value or the carrying amount of the reporting unit’s net assets). An entity also should consider positive and mitigating events and circumstances that may affect its determination of whether it is more likely than not that its fair value is less than its carrying amount (or the fair value of the reporting unit is less than the carrying amount of the reporting unit). If an entity has a recent fair value calculation (or recent fair value calculation for the reporting unit), it also should include that calculation as a factor in its consideration of the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount in reaching its conclusion about whether to perform the quantitative goodwill impairment test.
35-69 An entity shall evaluate, on the basis of the weight of evidence, the significance of all identified events and circumstances in the context of determining whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of the entity (or the reporting unit) is less than its carrying amount. None of the individual examples of events and circumstances included in paragraph 350-20-35-3C(a) through (g) are intended to represent standalone events or circumstances that necessarily require an entity to perform the quantitative goodwill impairment test. Also, the existence of positive and mitigating events and circumstances is not intended to represent a rebuttable presumption that an entity should not perform the quantitative goodwill impairment test.
35-70 An entity has an unconditional option to bypass the qualitative assessment described in paragraphs 350-20-35-67 through 35-69 and proceed directly to a quantitative calculation by comparing the entity’s (or the reporting unit’s) fair value with its carrying amount (see paragraphs 350-20-35-72 through 35-78). An entity may resume performing the qualitative assessment upon the occurrence of any subsequent triggering events.
35-71 If, after assessing the totality of events or circumstances such as those described in paragraph 350-20-35-3C(a) through (g), an entity determines that it is not more likely than not that the fair value of the entity (or the reporting unit) is less than its carrying amount, further testing is unnecessary.
35-72 If, after assessing the totality of events or circumstances such as those described in paragraph 350-20-35-3C(a) through (g), an entity determines that it is more likely than not that the fair value of the entity (or the reporting unit) is less than its carrying amount or if the entity elected to bypass the qualitative assessment in paragraphs 350-20-35-67 through 35-69, the entity shall determine the fair value of the entity (or the reporting unit) and compare the fair value of the entity (or the reporting unit) with its carrying amount, including goodwill. A goodwill impairment loss shall be recognized if the carrying amount of the entity (or the reporting unit) exceeds its fair value.