Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 3 — Goodwill Accounting Alternatives for Private Companies and NFPs

3.9 Goodwill Triggering Event Alternative

3.9 Goodwill Triggering Event Alternative

ASC 350-20
Accounting Alternative for a Goodwill Impairment Triggering Event Evaluation
35-83 The following guidance for goodwill applies to entities within the scope of paragraph 350-20-15-4A that elect the accounting alternative for a goodwill impairment triggering event evaluation.
35-84 An entity may elect to perform its goodwill impairment triggering event evaluation only as of the end of each reporting period, whether the reporting period is an interim or annual period. That is, the entity would not evaluate goodwill impairment triggering events and measure any related impairment during the reporting period. An entity electing the accounting alternative shall assess whether events or circumstances have occurred that would require an entity to test goodwill for impairment as follows:
  1. For an entity that has elected the accounting alternative for amortizing goodwill, the entity’s evaluation of a triggering event, as described in paragraph 350-20-35-66, shall be performed only as of each reporting date.
  2. For an entity that has not elected the accounting alternative for amortizing goodwill:
    1. If the entity performs its annual goodwill impairment test as of the end of the reporting period, the entity shall not evaluate its goodwill for impairment during the reporting period as described in paragraph 350-20-35-30.
    2. If the entity performs its annual goodwill impairment test on a date other than the end of the reporting period (in accordance with paragraph 350-20-35-28), the entity’s evaluation of impairment between annual goodwill impairment tests (as described in paragraph 350-20-35-30) shall be performed only as of the end of a reporting period.
35-85 An entity electing this accounting alternative shall apply it only to goodwill evaluated in accordance with this Subtopic. This accounting alternative does not change the following:
  1. The requirement to assess other assets for impairment (for example, long-lived assets and indefinite-lived intangibles) under existing guidance. If the impairment test related to other assets would have resulted in a goodwill impairment triggering event, an entity electing this accounting alternative should consider the results of an impairment test related to other assets in connection with its goodwill impairment test only as of its annual goodwill impairment testing date and the reporting date, whether that date is an interim or annual reporting date, as applicable.
  2. The requirements to test the remaining goodwill for impairment if only a portion of goodwill is allocated to a business or nonprofit activity to be disposed of in accordance with paragraph 350-20-40-7.
35-86 An entity shall not apply this guidance retroactively to interim periods for which annual financial statements have already been issued.