A.7 Subsidiary’s Election to Apply Pushdown Accounting
ASC 805-50
25-8 Any subsidiary of an acquiree also is eligible to make an election to apply pushdown accounting to its separate financial statements in accordance with the guidance in paragraphs 805-50-25-4 through 25-7 irrespective of whether the acquiree elects to apply pushdown accounting.
A subsidiary of an acquiree is not constrained by the acquiree’s or a higher-level subsidiary’s decision of
whether to apply pushdown accounting upon a change-in-control event. If multiple entities are acquired
in a business combination, the acquiree and any of its subsidiaries independently have the option to
apply pushdown accounting in their separate financial statements.
The Background Information and Basis for Conclusions of ASU 2014-17 points out that the Task Force
“considered, but ultimately rejected, a view in which an [acquiree] must elect to apply pushdown
accounting in order for its subsidiaries to be able to elect the option to apply pushdown accounting”
because “subsidiaries should reflect their parent’s basis.” The Task Force rejected that view on the
basis that “each entity has different users and their perspectives may be different from one another.”
Therefore, each entity within the group of acquired entities “should be allowed to separately evaluate
whether pushdown accounting applies to their separate financial statements.”
Example A-2
Subsidiary’s Elections to Apply Pushdown Accounting
Company A obtains control of Company B in a transaction accounted for as a business combination, and B
becomes a subsidiary of A. Company B has two wholly owned subsidiaries, Subsidiary X and Subsidiary Y,
each of which has two subsidiaries. Subsidiary X and Subsidiary Y2 each issue separate financial statements,
and each may independently elect to apply pushdown accounting irrespective of whether B, Y, or any other
acquired entity elects to do so. In addition, X’s or Y2’s ability to elect pushdown accounting does not depend on
whether B issues separate financial statements.