Accounting Research Tool
Chapter 4 — Variable Interests

4.4 Decision-Maker or Service-Provider Fees

4.4 Decision-Maker or Service-Provider Fees

ASC 810-10
55-37 Fees paid to a legal entity’s decision maker(s) or service provider(s) are not variable interests if all of the following conditions are met:
  1. The fees are compensation for services provided and are commensurate with the level of effort required to provide those services.
  2. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2015-02.
  3. The decision maker or service provider does not hold other interests in the VIE that individually, or in the aggregate, would absorb more than an insignificant amount of the VIE’s expected losses or receive more than an insignificant amount of the VIE’s expected residual returns.
  4. The service arrangement includes only terms, conditions, or amounts that are customarily present in arrangements for similar services negotiated at arm’s length.
  5. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2015-02.
  6. Subparagraph superseded by Accounting Standards Update No. 2015-02.
55-37B Facts and circumstances should be considered when assessing the conditions in paragraph 810-10-55-37. An arrangement that is designed in a manner such that the fee is inconsistent with the decision maker’s or service provider’s role or the type of service would not meet those conditions. To assess whether a fee meets those conditions, a reporting entity may need to analyze similar arrangements among parties outside the relationship being evaluated. However, a fee would not presumptively fail those conditions if similar service arrangements did not exist in the following circumstances:
  1. The fee arrangement relates to a unique or new service.
  2. The fee arrangement reflects a change in what is considered customary for the services.
In addition, the magnitude of a fee, in isolation, would not cause an arrangement to fail the conditions.
55-37C Fees or payments in connection with agreements that expose a reporting entity (the decision maker or the service provider) to risk of loss in the VIE would not be eligible for the evaluation in paragraph 810-10-55-37. Those fees include, but are not limited to, the following:
  1. Those related to guarantees of the value of the assets or liabilities of a VIE
  2. Obligations to fund operating losses
  3. Payments associated with written put options on the assets of the VIE
  4. Similar obligations, such as some liquidity commitments or agreements (explicit or implicit) that protect holders of other interests from suffering losses in the VIE.
Therefore, those fees should be considered for evaluating the characteristic in paragraph 810-10-25-38A(b). Examples of those variable interests are discussed in paragraphs 810-10-55-25 and 810-10-55-29.
55-37D For purposes of evaluating the conditions in paragraph 810-10-55-37, any variable interest in an entity that is held by a related party of the decision maker or service provider should be considered in the analysis. Specifically, a decision maker or service provider should include its direct variable interests in the entity and its indirect variable interests in the entity held through related parties, considered on a proportionate basis. For example, if a decision maker or service provider owns a 20 percent interest in a related party and that related party owns a 40 percent interest in the entity being evaluated, the decision maker’s or service provider’s interest would be considered equivalent to an 8 percent direct interest in the entity for the purposes of evaluating whether the fees paid to the decision maker(s) or the service provider(s) are not variable interests (assuming that they have no other relationships with the entity). The term related parties in this paragraph refers to all parties as defined in paragraph 810-10-25-43, with the following exceptions:
  1. An employee of the decision maker or service provider (and its other related parties), except if the employee is used in an effort to circumvent the provisions of the Variable Interest Entities Subsections of this Subtopic
  2. An employee benefit plan of the decision maker or service provider (and its other related parties), except if the employee benefit plan is used in an effort to circumvent the provisions of the Variable Interest Entities Subsections of this Subtopic.
For purposes of evaluating the conditions in paragraph 810-10-55-37, the quantitative approach described in the definitions of the terms expected losses, expected residual returns, and expected variability is not required and should not be the sole determinant as to whether a reporting entity meets such conditions.
55-38 Fees paid to decision makers or service providers that do not meet all of the conditions in paragraph 810-10-55-37 are variable interests.


In some cases, a legal entity may not have direct outside investors; rather, the investors invest through another legal entity that was formed in conjunction with the legal entity (e.g., a master-feeder structure). In these circumstances, the lack of outside investors would not be an indication that the fees paid (or lack thereof) to the legal entity’s decision maker are not commensurate and at market.
Standard representations and warranties include those asserting that the financial asset being transferred is what it is purported to be on the transfer date. Examples include representations and warranties about (1) the characteristics, nature, and quality of the underlying financial asset, including characteristics of the underlying borrower and the type and nature of the collateral securing the underlying financial asset; (2) the quality, accuracy, and delivery of documentation related to the transfer and the underlying financial asset; and (3) the accuracy of the transferor’s representations relative to the underlying financial asset.
This conclusion is also consistent with permitted recourse in the evaluation of whether the transfer of a portion of a financial asset meets the definition of a participating interest in ASC 860-10-40-6A(c)(4).