Accounting Research Tool
Appendix A — Fair Value Disclosure Requirements of Other Codification Topics

A.2 ASC 270, Interim Reporting

A.2 ASC 270, Interim Reporting

ASC 270-10
Disclosure of Summarized Interim Financial Data by Publicly Traded Companies
50-1 Many publicly traded companies report summarized financial information at periodic interim dates in considerably less detail than that provided in annual financial statements. While this information provides more timely information than would result if complete financial statements were issued at the end of each interim period, the timeliness of presentation may be partially offset by a reduction in detail in the information provided. As a result, certain guides as to minimum disclosure are desirable. (It should be recognized that the minimum disclosures of summarized interim financial data required of publicly traded companies do not constitute a fair presentation of financial position and results of operations in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles [GAAP].) If publicly traded companies report summarized financial information at interim dates (including reports on fourth quarters), the following data should be reported, as a minimum: . . .
k. The information about the use of fair value to measure assets and liabilities recognized in the statement of financial position pursuant to Section 820-10-50 . . .
m. The information about financial instruments as required by Section 825-10-50 . . . .