Accounting Research Tool
Appendix A — Fair Value Disclosure Requirements of Other Codification Topics

A.30 ASC 954, Health Care Entities

A.30 ASC 954, Health Care Entities

ASC 954-220
Performance Indicator and Intermediate Operating Measures
45-8 Health care entities shall report the following items separately from the performance indicator: . . .
e. Items that are required to be reported in or reclassified from other comprehensive income in accordance with paragraph 220-10-45-10A, which includes, but is not limited to, gains or losses, prior service costs or credits, and transition assets or obligations recognized in accordance with Topic 715; foreign currency translation adjustments; the portion of the gain or loss on derivative instruments designated and qualifying as cash flow hedging instruments included in the assessment of effectiveness, and for all qualifying hedging relationships amounts excluded from the assessment of effectiveness and recognized in earnings through an amortization approach in accordance with paragraph 815-20-25-83A. . . .
g. Unrealized gains and losses on investments on other than trading debt securities, in accordance with paragraph 954-220-45-9. . . .
l. The portion of the total change in the fair value of the liability resulting from a change in the instrument-specific credit risk, in accordance with paragraph 825-10-45-5.